The Bachelor in History effectively prepares students for entry into a Master's degree in History so that, once they have successfully completed their Master's programme, they can "explain the full complexity of the history of man and societies that have preceded us, and their links with the present day".
Bachelor in History graduates will have acquired:
- a broad knowledge of the main frameworks of Western history, from antiquity to the present day, and how they fit into world history,
- preliminary insight into other fundamental disciplines to gain a better understanding of man and societies,
- a basic theoretical and practical knowledge of the research methods specific to history studies (information gathering; critical analysis and organization of the data collected; writing of a balanced synthesis).
Over the three years of the Bachelor's degree course, students will have demonstrated an increasing ability to work autonomously. They will have developed their own study project, which they will take with them to Master's level, where they will move increasingly towards specific areas related to their chosen field of specialization, with a view to devising their own personal and professional plan.
On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :