
Detailed programme by subject

Mandatory Content:
Mandatory Core Courses
Mandatory BFILO1114  Philosophy
FR q1  60h  5 credits      
FR q2  45h  5 credits      
Matilde Manara (compensates Isabelle Ost)

Mandatory Choose one course among the following:
Optional BESPO1176  Law
FR q1  45h+15h  5 credits      
Thibaut Slingeneyer de Goeswin (compensates Diane Bernard)

Optional BESPO1160  Sociology
FR q1  30h  5 credits      
Optional BESPO1161  Sociology
NL q1  30h  5 credits      
Thierry Kochuyt (compensates Benedikte Zitouni)
, Benedikte Zitouni

FR q2  45h  5 credits      
Mandatory Choose one course among the following:
Optional BFILO1222  Psychology
FR q1  30h  5 credits      
Optional BDROI1220  Economics
FR q2  45h+15h  5 credits      
Optional BDRAN1220  Economics
EN q1  45h+15h  5 credits      
Mandatory Specialised courses
FR q1  45h  5 credits      
Mandatory BHIST1111  Source Criticism
FR q1  30h+15h  5 credits      
FR q1  30h+15h  5 credits      
FR q1+q2  15h+15h  5 credits      
Sarah Barthélemy (compensates Philippe Desmette)

FR q2  45h  5 credits      
FR q2  30h  5 credits      
Mandatory Choose one course among the following:
Optional BPOLS1121  Contemporary History
FR q2  30h+11h  5 credits      
Optional BESPO1164  Geopolitics
EN q2  30h  5 credits      
FR q1  60h  5 credits      
Eric Bousmar (coord.)
, Dominique Longrée
, Antoine Renglet (compensates Bérengère Piret)
, Quentin Verreycken

FR q1  45h  4 credits      
Mandatory BHIST1226  Historiography
FR q2  45h  4 credits      
Philippe Desmette
, Florence Liard (compensates Philippe Desmette)

Mandatory BHIST1282  History of Antiquity
Students must take this course in even-numbered years.
FR q2  60h  5 credits      
Mandatory BHIST1284  History of Modern Times
Students must take this course in even-numbered years.
FR q1  60h  5 credits      
Mandatory BHIST1283  Medieval History
Students must take this course in odd-numbered years.
FR q1  60h  5 credits      
Mandatory BHIST1285  Contemporary History
Students must take this course in odd-numbered years.
FR q2  60h  5 credits      
Mandatory BHIST1312  Historical anthropology
Students must take this course in even-numbered years.
FR q2  30h  5 credits      
FR q1  30h  5 credits      
FR q2  30h  5 credits      
FR q2  30h  5 credits      
FR q2  30h  4 credits      
Antoine Renglet (compensates Nathalie Tousignant)

Mandatory Choose two seminars among the following:
Optional BHIST1229  Seminar of history of Antiquity  
Students must take this course in odd-numbered years.
FR q1+q2  30h  6 credits      
Optional BHIST1231  Medieval History Seminar  
FR q1+q2  30h  6 credits      
FR q1+q2  30h  6 credits      
Optional BHIST1228  Seminar of contemporary history  
Students must take this course in even-numbered years.
FR q1+q2  30h  6 credits      
Nathalie Tousignant
, Nathalie Tousignant (compensates Bérengère Piret)

Optional BHIST1293  Research Seminar : Civilizations of Ancient Greece and Rome  
Students must take this course in even-numbered years.
EN q1+q2  30h  6 credits      
Optional BHIST1291  Seminar on 19th and 20th c. European history  
Students must take this course in odd-numbered years.
EN q1+q2  30h  6 credits      
Mandatory Choose one seminar among the following:
Optional BHIST1229A  Seminar of history of Antiquity - (Advanced level)
Students must take this course in odd-numbered years.
FR q1+q2  30h  6 credits      
FR q1+q2  30h  6 credits      
FR q1+q2  30h  6 credits      
Optional BHIST1228A  Seminar of contemporary history - (Advanced level)
Students must take this course in even-numbered years.
FR q1+q2  30h  6 credits      
Optional BHIST1293A  Research Seminar : Civilizations of Ancient Greece and Rome - (Advanced level)
Students must take this course in even-numbered years.
EN q1+q2  30h  6 credits      
Optional BHIST1291A  Seminar on 19th and 20th c. European history - (Advanced level)
Students must take this course in odd-numbered years.
EN q1+q2  30h  6 credits      
Mandatory Languages
Student must choose 15 credits of language courses all over the three years of the bachelor's programme.
Mandatory BLANG1120  English
EN q1+q2  0h+45h  5 credits      
Mandatory Choose one course among the following:
Optional BLANG1130  Dutch
NL q1+q2  45h  5 credits      
FR q1+q2  60h  5 credits      
FR q1  30h+15h  5 credits      
Mandatory Choose one course among the following:
Optional BLANG1130  Dutch
NL q1+q2  45h  5 credits      
NL q2  60h+30h  5 credits      
EN q2  60h+30h  5 credits      
Optional BLANG1146  German
DE q1+q2  45h  5 credits      
Optional BLANG1121  Spanish
ES q1+q2  60h  5 credits      
Optional BROMA1117  Italian I
IT q1+q2  15h+60h  5 credits      
FR q1+q2  60h  5 credits      
FR q1  30h+15h  5 credits      
Optional BROMA1294  Latin authors I  
FR q1  30h  5 credits      
Mandatory Thematic modules to choose from
The student chooses a thematic module:
- in block 2: choice of 5 credits (even years) or 10 credits (odd years);
- in block 3: choice of 15 credits (even years) or 20 credits (odd years).
Optional Module Letters and civilisations
FR q1  45h  5 credits      
FR q2  45h  5 credits      
FR q2  45h  5 credits      
FR q2  30h  5 credits      
Optional Module European Studies
EN q2  30h  5 credits      
Optional BESPO1162  Political science
FR q1  30h  5 credits      
FR q2  30h  5 credits      
FR q2  30h  5 credits      
FR q2  30h  5 credits      
FR q2  30h  5 credits      
Optional Module Political Sciences and communication
Optional BESPO1162  Political science
FR q1  30h  5 credits      
FR q2  30h+4h  5 credits      
Optional BCOMU1212  Social-history of media  
FR q2  30h  5 credits      
Optional BSPOL1315  Political Systems  
FR q1  30h  5 credits      
FR q2  30h  5 credits      
Optional Dual Degree Module
Please contact your Faculty Administration