
Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :

The profile of Bachelor in Business Engineering graduates is set out in the Louvain School of Management (LSM) competency framework. This framework centres around the following three skills: acquiring a knowledge base, applying a scientific approach and adopting a socially responsible mindset.

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Adopt a socially responsible mindset
Think and take decisions responsibly, taking account of ethical and civic values.

1.1 Demonstrate the ability to reason independently and adopt a considered and critical approach to knowledge (academic and common sense).
1.2 Consider ethical and humanistic values, integrity, the laws and conventions, civic solidarity and sustainable development in all interactions with the community.
1.3 Analyse a situation responsibly, taking into account the economic, social and environmental impact on the various stakeholders.


Acquire a knowledge base
Actively acquire a knowledge base in different subjects (management, human science, economics, law, quantitative methods) that are essential for analysing issues in the various fields of management.

2.1 Understand the basic concepts and theories in each of the fields of management and economics.
2.2 Acquire a knowledge base in human science and law.
2.3 Acquire a knowledge base in quantitative, IT and digital methods.
2.4 Apply knowledge gained from different subjects to solve a simple but concrete management problem.


Apply a scientific approach
Use a scientific approach to analyse concrete management problems and situations.

3.1 Understand and selectively use scientific texts and works in French and English.
3.2 Apply clear and structured analytical reasoning, conceptual frameworks and science-based models to describe and analyse a simple but concrete problem and offer a solution.
3.3 With the help of dedicated software tools, collate, select and analyse relevant information using basic statistical and data analysis methods.
3.4 Analyse and interpret results or proposals, and provide a well-argued critique, for a simple but concrete management problem.

Demonstrate rigour and discernment (validity and relevance) in the collation of information sources, and precision in their referencing.


Embrace change
Adopt a positive approach to change in assignments and projects carried out individually or in groups.

4.1 Identify opportunities for innovation and be creative in putting forward useful and original ideas.
4.2 Identify situations of resistance to change and overcome them.
4.3 Be part of a collective change dynamic.

Identify opportunities linked to the digital transformation of companies, sustainable development and organisational changes in the workplace and suggest solutions to management problems based on ESG criteria.


Adopt a multidisciplinary and professional mindset
Compare different motives and rationales for action to understand a concrete problem a company is facing.

5.1 Understand the internal workings of a company of limited size and complexity.
5.2 Understand these workings, place them in their socio-economic context and identify the interdisciplinary issues.
5.3 Combine different areas of knowledge (apply concepts from different fields and compare different rationales for action) to understand a concrete problem of a company or organisation of limited size and complexity.
5.4 Use software from different fields to solve a management problem.


Become a team player
Become a team member and player.

6.1 Know and understand the principles of collaborative learning.
6.2 Recognize and take into account the different points of view of team members.
6.3 Manage group relations in a joint project.


Manage a project
Organise and complete a project, taking into account the pre-defined objectives and the constraints of the project environment.

7.1 Organise the process: working as a team, and with consideration for the pre-defined objectives, plan and develop all the stages of a project and commit to it collectively, having allocated the tasks.
7.2 Share information and expertise to help progress the project and contribute to the team's success with a view to effectively achieving the objective set.


Communicate and interact effectively in French and two foreign languages.

8.1 With the target audience in mind, communicate information, ideas, solutions and conclusions with written and oral fluency and in a clear, structured and well-argued manner.

For two foreign languages* (English and Dutch or Spanish): demonstrate written and spoken fluency and the ability to communicate clearly, coherently, fluently and in a well-argued fashion on general and management-related topics.

*  For English (all language skills), Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). For Dutch 3, Level B1+/B2 of the CEFR. For Spanish 3, Level A2+/B1 of the CEFR.

8.3 Engage effectively and respectfully with peers and teachers, demonstrating listening skills, empathy and assertiveness.
8.4 Using computer tools, create graphs and tables that meet scientific standards.

Master basic software for effective communication.


Demonstrate self-awareness and autonomy, the ability to adapt quickly to new situations and progress in your learning journey.

9.1 Self-management: define your priorities, plan ahead and organise all aspects of your work over time, be rigorous and structured in your approach.
9.2 Self-awareness and self-control: be aware of, and control, your own feelings and emotions, manage stress, stand back and cast a critical eye over your own output and actions to identify your strengths and weaknesses.
9.3 Self-motivation: design your own training plan and define its direction in line with your own values and aspirations.
9.4 Adapt to, and take advantage of, a variety of learning situations.
9.5 Independently assimilate new knowledge and skills to enable you to solve concrete, well-defined management problems.