
Seniors University

Created in the late 1970s and associated with UCL since 1993, Seniors University (French acronym UDA) is a non-profit association that organises conferences and classes in Louvain-la-Neuve, Brussels and several of its communes, and Brabant Wallon Province.

Each year, Seniors University offers 200 classes, workshops and seminars conducted in a friendly atmosphere, as well as travel and cultural tours that foster creativity and understanding. Participants can audit certain UCL classes. Seniors University conducts research and invests in community services involving students, volunteers in the developing world and future retirees.

Age: not a limit but a resource to be refined

Seniors University:

  • offers informational and no-assessment lifelong learning programmes for seniors to develop their creativity and involvement in social, cultural, political and economic life;
  • supports the creation of services that reinforce seniors’ autonomy and develops their inter-generational communication skills;
  • engages in research to address ageing in society, particularly regarding seniors’ needs, aspirations and well-being;
  • encourages exchanges between seniors and the university;
  • organises meetings at Belgian, European and international levels to provide seniors with greater cultural understanding and thus encourage their role in international cooperation.