
Doctorates in FIAL


General information: La formation doctorale à l'UCL

University studies are divided in two or even three cycles

  • The first cycle, thebachelor’s degree, is a three-year program comprised of 180 credits in total, or around 60 credits a year.
  • The second cycle, the master’s degree, can only be obtained after earning a bachelor’s degree. This cycle can be completed as a one-year program (60 credits) or as a two-year program (120 credits).
  • • The third cycle is a postgraduate doctorial degree, or PhD, is optional and upon completion the student will have earned the title of Doctor.

Orga doctorat

The doctorate is the highest level of the university curriculum in Belgium. It is divided in two parts:

  1. a written thesis which is an original and critical work from academic resources which leads to innovative results for the knowledge of social sciences.
  2. Doctoral training, which consists of a series of scientific activities such as participating in seminars and conferences, publishing articles, etc. according to the requirements of the Doctoral School of which the candidate belongs.

The thesis is worth 120 credits and the doctoral training is worth 60 credits, for a total of 180 credits.

The thesis is written under the supervision of a director, called “le promoteur” or the “promoter” who is a professor or member of the scientific staff at UCLouvain who has the ability to direct/manage a thesis.

A co-promotion with another staff member of UCLouvain or with a supervisor at another university is possible.
Joint supervision may be part of arrangement with another university, such as a double-degree program.
