
Applied Mathematics

Picture : morphing based on Riemannian optimization concepts.

What is applied mathematics?

It is mathematics in the service of engineering!

Applied mathematics involves designing and applying mathematical and algorithmic models to simulate engineered systems, control their behaviour, foresee their evolution and optimise their performance.

The main application areas are:

  • optimising the management of communication, distribution and transport networks,
  • planning production in industrial manufacturing workshops,
  • controlling industrial production processes in real time,
  • automating the management of complex electromechanical systems,
  • forecasting economic and environmental variables in the medium term,
  • simulating systems digitally (biomedical engineering, fluid mechanics, climatology etc.)

Organisation of studies

Applied mathematics is presented at UCL in the form of a minor and a major within the civil engineering bachelor's programme and in the civil engineering in applied mathematics master's.

The course is interdisciplinary, as mathematical modelling is used in all engineering science disciplines. These multiple fields of application are emphasised by the many options available and in the final project.

The Louvain School of Engineering delegates the management of the applied mathematics programme to the MAP programme committee.

Careers and opportunities

What do civil engineers specialising in applied mathematics do?

Engineers specialising in applied mathematics benefit from a flexible, diverse education sought by companies with advanced technology or high levels of automation. Their skills cover areas that vary extremely widely. The problems examined are encountered in most areas of engineering science and technology, and in other sectors of society such as economics, the environment and health.

Engineers specialising in applied mathematics find outlets in large production and service companies, IT companies, the banking sector and public services (transport, environment, health etc.). Their careers generally begin in research and development departments, economic planning offices and industrial management services.