DEMO members are particularly active in the scientific valorization and publication of their work. You will find below the list (regularly updated) of the publications carried out during the years 2018 and 2019, as well as the list of publications (extracted from the activity reports) for the years 2012, 2013, 2014, 20152016,2017and 2018.
2021 Publications
Bartiaux F., Day R., Lahaye W. (2021), «Energy Poverty as a Restriction of Multiple Capabilities: A Systemic Approach for Belgium», Journal of Human Development and Capabilities.
Bocquier P., Ginsburg C., Menashe-Oren A., Compaoré Y., Collinson M. (2021), «The Crucial Role of Mothers and Siblings in Child Survival: Evidence From 29 Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa», Demography, 9429499.
Chen M., Fu Y., Chang Q. (2021), «Life Satisfaction among Older Adults in Urban China: Does Gender Interact with Pensions, Social Support and Self-Care Ability?», Ageing & Society, pp. 1-20.
Doignon Y. (2021), «Géographie d’un changement social. La diffusion spatiale des naissances hors mariage en France depuis un demi-siècle», L’Espace Géographique, 2020-3, 20 p.
Doignon Y., Ambrosetti E., Miccoli S. (2021), «The Spatial Diffusion of Fertility Decline in Egypt (1950-2006)», Genus, 77/23.
Eggerickx T., Sanderson J.-P. (2021), Les Néo-Louvanistes en 2017 : Analyse des caractéristiques démographiques et des mouvements migratoires, Document de Travail 21, Centre de recherche en démographie, Louvain-la-Neuve, 56 p.
Fall A., Masquelier B., Niang K., Ndiaye S., Ndonky A. (2021), «Motivations and barriers to death registration in Dakar, Senegal», Genus, 77 (1).
Gauthier A. H., Bryson C., Fadel L., Haux T., Koops J., Mynarska M. (2021), «Exploring the Concept of Intensive Parenting in a Three-Country Study», Demographic Research, 44, 13, February 11, pp. 333-48.
Hardy O. J., Dubourg D., Bourguignon M., Dellicour S., Eggerickx T., Gilbert M., Sanderson J.-P., Scohy A., Vandael E., Decroly J.-M. (2021), «A World Apart: Levels and Determinants of Excess Mortality Due to COVID-19 in Care Homes: The Case of the Belgian Region of Wallonia during the Spring 2020 Wave», Demographic Research, 4 (3)3, pp. 1 011-1 040.
Kreidl M., Žilinčíková Z. (2021), «How Does Cohabitation Change People’s Attitudes toward Family Dissolution?», European Sociological Review, jcaa073.
Le Guen M., Rouzaud-Cornabas M., Ventola C. (2021), «Les hommes face à la contraception : entre norme contraceptive genrée et processus de distinction», Cahiers du Genre, 70 (1), pp. 157‑184.
Le Guen M., Schantz C., Régnier-Loilier A., de La Rochebrochard E. (2021), «Reasons for RejectingHormonal Contraception in Western Countries: A SystematicReview», Social Science & Medicine, 284, p. 114247.
Marteau B. (2021), Correction of Dates of Partnership Formation and Separation in the Consolidated Wave 1 of the Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) Belgium, Document de Travail 20, Centre de recherche en démographie, Louvainla-Neuve, 39 p.
Masquelier B., Hug L., Sharrow D., You D., Mathers C., Gerland P. Alkema L. (2021), «Global, Regional, and National Mortality Trends in Youth Aged 15-24 Years between 1990 and 2019: A Systematic Analysis, The Lancet Global Health, 9 (4).
Masquelier B., Kanyangarara M., Pison G., Kanté A. M., Ndiaye C. T., Douillot L., Duthé G., Sokhna C., Delaunay V., Helleringer S. (2021), «Errors in Reported Ages and Dates in Surveys of Adult Mortality: A Record Linkage Study in Niakhar (Senegal)», Population Studies, 75, 1, pp. 1-19.
Menashe-Oren A., Bocquier P. (2021), «Minor contribution of migration to urbanization in low- and middle-income countries», N-IUSSP.
Menashe-Oren A., Bocquier P. (2021), The role of internal migration in urbanisation in contemporary low- and middle-income countries, Document de Travail 22, Centre de recherche en démographie, Louvain-la-Neuve, 40 p.
Pohl B., Dos Santos S., Bai G. M., Compaoré Y., Dianou K., Diallo-Dudek J., Soura A., Janicot S. (2021), «Indoor Temperature Variability in the Sahel: A Pilot Study in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso», Theoretical and Applied Climatology.
Rizzi E. L., Rees A., Decoster C. (2021), Belgian family policy from a comparative perspective: What works and what is missing, Document de Travail 23, Centre de recherche en démographie, Louvain-la-Neuve, 51 p.
Sanderson J.-P. (2021), «Mobilité de retraite et mobilité post-retraite en Belgique : qui a migré migrera ?», Retraite et société, 86, pp. 71-90.
Schlüter B.-S., Masquelier B. (2021), «Space-Time Smoothing of Mortality Estimates in Children Aged 5-14 in Sub-Saharan Africa», PLOS ONE, 16 (1), p. e0245596.
Uccheddu D., Emery T., Steverink N., Gauthier A H. (2021), «Gendered Health Burdens and Benefits of Starting and Ending Caregiving», N-IUSSP, October 4.
Uccheddu D., Gauthier A. H., Steverink N., Emery T. (2021), «Gender and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health after Age 50 in Europe», N-IUSSP, September 13.
Wunsch G., Russo F., Mouchart M., Orsi R. (2021), «Time and Causality in the Social Sciences», Time & Society.
2020 Publications
Baudaux A., Bartiaux F. (2020), «Précarité énergétique et aide sociale en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale», Brussels Studies [En ligne], Collection générale.
Baudaux A., Bartiaux F. (2020), «Energiearmoede en sociale bijstand in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest», Brussels Studies [Online], Algemene collectie.
Baudaux A., Bartiaux F. (2020), «Energy Poverty and Social Assistance in the Brussels-Capital Region», Brussels Studies [Online], General collection.
Beauchemin C., Flahaux M.-L., Schoumaker B. (2020), «Three Sub-Saharan Migration Systems in Times of Policy Restriction», Comparative Migration Studies, 8 (1), 19.
Bocquier P., Ginsburg C., Menashe-Oren A., Compaoré Y., Collinson M. (2020), Do Siblings affect Child Survival in sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence from Health and Demographic Surveillance Systems, Document de Travail 12, Centre de recherche en démographie, Louvain-la-Neuve, 52 p.
Bourguignon M., Damiens J., Doignon Y., Eggerickx T., Fontaine S., Lusyne P., Plavsic A., Sanderson J.-P. (2020), Surmortalité liée à la Covid-19 en Belgique : variations spatiales et socio-démographiques, Document de Travail 17, Centre de recherche en démographie, Louvain-la-Neuve, 42 p.
Campolo M. G., Di Pino A., Rizzi E. L. (2020), «The Labour Division of Italian Couples after a Birth: Assessing the Effect of Unobserved Heterogeneity», Journal of Population Research.
Caron L., Mathieu I. (2020), «High Selection, Low Success: The Heterogeneous Effect of Migrants’ Access to Employment on Their Remigration», International Migration Review, First Published Online First 6 March 2020.
Chen M., Lloyd C. J., Yip P. S. (2020), «Growing Rich without Growing Old: The Impact of Internal Migration in China», Asian Population Studies.
Chen M., Rizzi E., Yip P. S. (2020), «Divorce Trends in China across Time and Space: An Update», Asian Population Studies.
Compaoré Y., Lankoandé Y.-B., Dianou K. (2020), «Inégalités de mortalité néonatale entre quartiers formels et informels à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) : Éclairage à partir des données de l’Observatoire de Population de Ouagadougou (OPO)», Revue Espace Territoires Sociétés et Santé, 3 (6), pp. 13-28.
Damiens J. (2020), «The Impact of Housing Conditions on Mortality in Belgium (1991-2016)», Journal of Population Research, 1-31.
Doignon Y., Lévêque E. (2020), «Une croissance démographique rapide», Bayoumi H., Bennafla K. (eds), Atlas de l’Égypte contemporaine, CNRS Éditions, pp. 58-59.
Doignon Y., Eggerickx T., Rizzi E. (2020), The spatial diffusion of nonmarital cohabitation in Belgium over 25 years: Geographic proximity and urban hierarchy, Document de Travail 11, Centre de recherche en démographie, Louvain-la-Neuve, 18 p.
Doignon Y., Eggerickx T., Rizzi E. (2020), «The Spatial Diffusion of Nonmarital Cohabitation in Belgium over 25 Years: Geographic Proximity and Urban Hierarchy», Demographic Research, 43 (48), pp. 1413-1428.
Eggerickx T., Sanderson J.-P., Vandeschrick C. (2020), La mortalité en Belgique du 19e siècle à nos jours. Variations selon l’âge, le sexe, les milieux social et spatial, Document de Travail 13, Centre de recherche en démographie, Louvain-la-Neuve, 41 p.
Esteve A., Kashyap R., Garcia Roman J., Cheng Y.-H. A., Fukuda S., Nie W., Lee H.-O. (2020), «Demographic Change and Increasing Late Singlehood in East Asia, 2010–2050», Demographic Research, 43 (46), pp. 1 367-1 398.
Fadel L., Emery T., Gauthier A. H. (2020), «5. Current and Future Contributions of the Generations and Gender Programme to Lifecourse Research», Handbook on Demographic Change and the Lifecourse, 57.
Haq S. M. A., Ahmed K.J. (2020), «Perceptions about climate change among university students in Bangladesh», Nat Hazards.
Hardy 0., Dubourg D., Bourguignon M., Dellicour S., Eggerickx T., Gilbert M., Sanderson J.-P., Scohy A., Vandael E., Decroly J.-M. (2020), «A World Apart: Levels and Factors of Excess Mortality Due to COVID-19 in Care Homes. The case of Wallonia - Belgium», medRxiv, (preprint).
Khlat M., Van Cleemput O., Bricard D. et al. (2020), «Use of Tobacco, Alcohol and Cannabis in Late Adolescence: Roles of Family Living Arrangement and Socioeconomic Group», BMC Public Health, 20, 1356.
Kulu H., Mikolai J., Thomas M., Vidal S., Schnor C., Willaert D., Mulder C. (2020), «Separation and Elevated Residential Mobility: A Cross-Country Comparison», European Journal of Population.
Le Guen M., Agius R., Panjo H., Moreau C. (2020), «La ‘crise des pilules’ en France : les femmes ont-elles davantage consulté un.e gynécologue afin d’accéder plus facilement au DIU ?», Revue d’Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique, 68 (6), pp. 347‑355.
Le Guen M., Rouzaud-Cornabas M., Panjo H., Rigal L., Ringa V., Moreau C. for the Health Barometer group 2016 (2020), «The French Pill Scare and the Reshaping of Social Inequalities in Access to Medical Contraceptives», SSM - Population Health, 11, p. 100606.
Moitinho de Almeida M., Schlüter B., van Loenhout J. A. F. et al. (2020), Changes in Patient Admissions after the 2015 Earthquake: A Tertiary Hospital-Based Study in Kathmandu, Nepal, Sci Rep 10, 4956.
Mouchart M., Orsi R., Wunsch G. (2020), Causality in Econometric Modeling. From Theory to Structural Causal Modeling, CORE Discussion Papers, 2020/03, 38 p.
Nie W. (2020), «The Effect of Spousal Separation and Reunification on Fertility: Chinese Internal and International Migration», Demographic Research, 43 (29), pp. 851-888.
Oliveau S., Doignon Y., Blöss-Widmer I. (2020), «Distribution de la popula-tion : l’injonction du Nil», Bayoumi H., Bennafla K. (eds), Atlas de l’Égypte contemporaine, CNRS Éditions, pp. 56-57.
Plavsic A., Sanderson J.-P. (2020), «La violence intrafamiliale au prisme des homicides : Analyse d’une source particulière, les bulletins de décès en Belgique», Les violences en famille. Histoire et actualités, Hermann, pp. 79‑95.
Poulain M., Dal L., Herm A., (2020), «Trends in Living Arrangements and their Impact on the Mortality of Older Adults: Belgium 1991‒2012», Demographic Research, 43 (15), pp. 401-430.
Rasambainarivo F., Rasoanomenjanahary A., Rabarison J. H., Ramiadantsoa T., Ratovoson R., Randremanana R., Randrianarisoa S., Rajeev M., Masquelier B., Heraud J. M., Metcalf C. J. E., Rice B. L. (2020), «Monitoring for Outbreak Associated Excess Mortality in an African City: Detection Limits in Antananarivo, Madagascar», International Journal of Infectious Diseases, in press.
Ratovoson R., Masquelier B., Andriatahina T., Mangahasimbola R., Andrianirina Z., Pison G., Baril L. (2020), «Inequalities in Cause-Specific Mortality in Children and Adolescents in the Moramanga Health Survey, Madagascar», International Journal of Public Health.
Rossier C., Schoumaker B., Delaunay V., Beguy D. et al. (2020), «Adolescent Fertility Is Lower than Expected in Rural Areas: Results from 10 African HDSS: Adolescent Fertility in Rural Areas», Studies in Family Planning, June, Early Access.
Sánchez-Páez D. A., Schoumaker B. (2020), What do we know about fertility stalls in Africa? A literature review, Document de Travail 16, Centre de recherche en démographie, Louvain-la-Neuve, 40 p.
Sanderson J.-P. (2020), «Du reflux à la croissance démographique : comment la démographie congolaise a-t-elle été influencée par la colonisation ?» Goddeeris I., Lauro A., Vanthemsche G. (eds), Le Congo colonial. Une histoire en questions, Renaissance du Livre, pp. 115-126.
Sanderson J.-P. (2020), «Van bevolkingsafname naar bevolkingsgroei : welke invloed had de kolonisatie op de Congolese demografie», Goddeeris I., Lauro A., Vanthemsche G. (eds), Kolonial Congo. Een geschiedenis in vragen, Polis, pp. 107-117.
Sanderson J.-P., Burnay N. (2020), «Du retrait anticipé au prolongement des carrières : analyse des formes d'institutionnalisation et de standardisation des fins de carrière en Belgique», Cahiers Québécois de Démographie, 47 (2) 2018, pp. 187-202.
Sarkar K. (2020), Educational hypogamy in India, Document de Travail 19, Centre de recherche en démographie, Louvain-la-Neuve, 35 p.
Sarkar K., Rizzi E. (2020), Love marriage in India, Document de Travail 14, Centre de recherche en démographie, Louvain-la-Neuve, 42 p.
Schlüter B.-S., Masquelier B., Metcalf C. J. E., Rasoanomenjanahary A. (2020), «Long-Term Trends in Seasonality of Mortality in Urban Madagascar: The Role of the Epidemiological Transition», Global Health Action, 13 (1).
Schnor C., Mikolai J. (2020), «Remain, Leave, or Return? Mothers’ Location Continuity after Separation in Belgium», Demographic Research, 42 (9), pp. 245-292.
Tabutin D. (2020), Les doctorats en démographie à l’UCLouvain (1974-2019). Acteurs, financements, thématiques, champs géographiques et suivi. Une approche exploratoire, Document de Travail 18, Centre de recherche en démographie, Louvain-la-Neuve, 18 p.
Tabutin D., Schoumaker B. (2020), La démographie de l’Afrique subsaharienne au 21e siècle. Bilan des changements de 2000 à 2020, perspectives et défis d’ici 2050, Document de Travail 10, Centre de recherche en démographie, Louvain-la-Neuve, 124 p.
Tabutin D., Schoumaker B. (2020), «La démographie de l'Afrique sub-saharienne au XXI siècle. Bilan des changements de 2000 à 2020, perspectives et défis d'ici 2050», Population-F, 75 (2/3), pp. 167-296.
Tabutin D., Schoumaker B. (2020), «The Demography of Sub-Saharan Africa in the 21st Century: Transformations Since 2000, Outlook to 2050», Population-E, 75 (2/3), pp. 163-286.
Toulemon L., Durier S., Marteau B. (2020), «Estimation des doubles comptes statistiques au recensement à partir de l’Échantillon démographique permanent», Insee Méthodes n°136 : La qualité des estimations de population dans le recensement, pp. 52-65.
Victora C. G., Barros A. J. D., Blumenberg C., Costa J. C., Vidaletti L. P., Wehrmeister F. C., Masquelier B., Hug L., You D. (2020), «Association between Ethnicity and Under-5 Mortality: Analysis of Data from Demographic Surveys from 36 Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries, The Lancet Global Health, 8, e352-e361.
Vause S., Schoumaker B. (2020), «Demographic Profile of Syrians in Belgium», Elwood C., Nathalie W. (eds), Comparative Demography of the Syrian Diaspora: European and Middle Eastern Destinations, European Studies of Population, Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 165-195.
Wunsch G., Gourbin C. (2020), «Causal Assessment in Demographic Research», Genus, 76 (18).
Wunsch G., Gourbin C. (2020), Causal Assessment in Demographic Research. With a focus on mortality, morbidity, and health, Document de Travail 15, Centre de recherche en démographie, Louvain-la-Neuve, 31 p.
Wunsch G., Mouchart M., Russo F. (2020), «La modélisation en sciences sociales : incertitudes et défis», J.-L. Migeot (dir.), Modèles : prévoir, comprendre, expliquer, interpréter, reproduire, trahir, Académie royale de Belgique, Bruxelles.
Wunsch G., Russo F., Mouchart M., Orsi R. (2020), «Time and Causality in the Social Sciences», ISBA Discussion Paper, 2020/22, 31 p.
Yip P., Chen M., So B. K., Lam K. F., Wat K. P. (2020), «Optimal Strategies for Reducing Number of People in the Social Security System», International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (1305).
Zheng Y., Chen M., Yip P. S. (2020), «A Decomposition of Life Expectancy and Life Disparity: Comparison between Hong Kong and Japan», International Journal of Health Policy and Management.
Zilincikova Z. (2020), «Children’s Living Arrangements after Marital and Cohabitation Dissolution in Europe», Journal of Family Issues.
2019 Publications
Atiqul Haq S. M. (2019), «Debates over Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events: Bangladesh as a Case», Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 18 (6), pp. 1163-1176.
Atiqul Haq S. M. (2019), «A Critical Review of the Book ‘The Hidden Connections: A Science for Sustainable Living’ by Fritjof Capra», Environment, Development and Sustainability, First Online, pp. 1-3.
Bartiaux F. (ed) (2019), Generation and Gender Energy Deprivation: Realities and Social Policies, Final Report, Brussels, Belgian Science Policy, 117 p.
Bartiaux F. (2019), «Introduction», Bartiaux F. (ed), Generation and Gender Energy Deprivation: Realities and Social Policies, Brussels, Belgian Science Policy, pp. 12-13.
Bartiaux F., Day R., Coene J. (2019), «State of the Art and Objectives», Bartiaux F. (ed), Generation and Gender Energy Deprivation: Realities and Social Policies, Brussels, Belgian Science Policy, pp. 14-18.
Bartiaux F., Maretti M., Cartone A., Biermann P., Krasteva V. (2019), «Sustainable Energy Transitions and Social Inequalities in Energy Access: A Relational Comparison of Capabilities in Three European Countries», Global Transitions 1C, Special Issue on ‘Legitimacy and Accountability in the Governance of Sustainable Energy Transitions’, pp. 226-240.
Bartiaux F., Oosterlynck S., Lahaye W., Day R. (2019), «Conclusions», Bartiaux F. (ed), Generation and Gender Energy Deprivation: Realities and Social Policies, Brussels, Belgian Science Policy, pp. 101-106.
Bartiaux F., Vandeschrick C., Frogneux N. (2019), «Energy Poverty and ‘Uncapabilities’: A Quantitative Approach», Bartiaux F. (ed), Generation and Gender Energy Deprivation: Realities and Social Policies, Brussels, Belgian Science Policy, pp. 30-42.
Baudaux A., Coene J., Delbeke B., Bartiaux F., Sibeni A., Fournier F., Heymans É., Oosterlynck S., Lahaye W. (2019), «Living in Energy Poverty: A Qualitative Approach», Bartiaux F. (ed), Generation and Gender Energy Deprivation: Realities and Social Policies, Brussels, Belgian Science Policy, pp. 43-72.
Bocquier P., Ginsburg C., Collinson M. A. (2019), «A Training Manual for Event History Analysis Using Longitudinal Data», BMC Research Notes, 12 (1), pp. 1-5.
Bocquier P., Soura A. B., Sanogo S. et al. (2019), «Do Adult Health Outcomes in Urban Population Reflect Local Health Risk? A Matched Cohort Analysis of Migration Effects in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso», BMJ Open 9:e029059.
Bourguignon M. (2019), «Questionner les relations entre aspects socioéconomiques et démographie à l’aune des particularités du milieu rural local wallon au 19ème siècle», Espace Populations Sociétés, 2019 (2), 29 p.
Bourguignon M., Brée S., Eggerickx T., Sanderson J.-P.(2019), «Fécondité différentielle au début du 20ème siècle selon la classe sociale des femmes. Les cas de la Belgique et de la France», Annales de Démographie Historique, 2 (138), pp. 179-211.
Cambois E., Duthé G., Soura A. B., Compaoré Y. (2019), «The Patterns of Disability in the Peripheral Neighborhoods of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, and the Male-Female Health‐Survival Paradox», Population and Development Review.
Caron L. (2019), «An Intergenerational Perspective on (Re)migration: Return and Onward Mobility Intentions across Immigrant Generations», International Migration Review, First Published Online December 13.
Carpentier S., Schoumaker B. (2019), Socio-DemographicProfile and Socio-EconomicCareers of People GrantedInternational Protection in Belgium, 2001-2014, EMN/Myria, Bruxelles, 61 p.
Chen M., Gietel-Basten S., Yip P. S. (2019), «Targeting and Mistargeting of Family Policies in High-Income Pacific Asian Societies: A Review of Financial Incentives», Population Research and Policy Review, 1-25.
Chen M., Yip P. (2019), «Remarriages and Transnational Marriages in Hong Kong: Implications and Challenges», Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, pp. 1-19.
Dal L., Damiens J., Eggerickx T., Gourbin C., Majerus P., Masquelier B., Sanderson J.-P., Van Cleemput O., Vandeschrick C. et al. (2019), CAUSINEQ. Causes of health and mortality inequalities in Belgium: multiple dimensions, multiple causes, Belgian Research Action through Interdisciplinary Networks, Brain-Be 2012-2017, Rapport final de la recherche, 106 p.
Dantis C., Rizzi E. (2020), «Transition to First Birth during the Great Recession: The Case of Greece», Genus, 76 (1).
Delbeke B., Oosterlynck S., Vandeschrick C. (2019), «Measuring Energy Poverty in Belgium», Bartiaux F. (ed), Generation and Gender Energy Deprivation: Realities and Social Policies, Brussels, Belgian Science Policy, pp. 21-29.
Doignon Y. (2019), «Transitions démographiques et vieillissements en Méditerranée : le Sud rattrapera-t-il le Nord ?», T. Blöss, I. Blöss-Widmer (dir.), Penser le vieillissement en Méditerranée. Données, processus et liens sociaux, Karthala/Maison méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, Collection Atelier méditerranéen, 332 p.
Doignon Y. (2019), «Demographic Ageing in the Mediterranean: The End of the Spatial Dichotomy Between the Shores?», Spatial Demography, Online First, 33 p.
Flahaux M.-L., Wayack‐Pambè M., Soura A. B., Compaoré Y., Sanogo S. (2019), «Reunifying and Separating: An Analysis of Residential Arrangements of Migrant Couples in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso», Population, Space and Place.
Frogneux N., Bartiaux F., Luyckx C. (2019), «Energy Poverty: A Conceptual Analysis», Bartiaux F. (ed), Generation and Gender Energy Deprivation: Realities and Social Policies, Brussels, Belgian Science Policy, pp. 19-20.
Eggerickx T., Sanderson J.-P. (2019), «Migrations résidentielles, ségrégation sociale et vieillissement démographique : le cas de l’espace périurbain bruxellois», Espace Populations Sociétés.
Khandaker J. A., Shah Md A. H., Bartiaux F. (2019), «The Nexus betweenExtremeWeatherEvents, SexualViolence, and EarlyMarriage: A Study of VulnerablePopulations in Bangladesh», Population and Environment, pp. 1-22.
KimY., Rizzi E. (2019), «Who Does not Intend to Retire? Mothers' Opportunity Costs and Compensation at Later Ages in Europe», Ageing and Society, pp. 1-27.
Le Guen M., Marsicano E., Bajos N. (2019), «Des ressources pour une union, une union contre des ressources : mise en couple et conditions de vie chez les immigré·e·s d’Afrique subsaharienne après leur arrivée en France», Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales (REMI).
Loriaux C.-M. (2019), «Vieillissement, longévité et révolution grise : un combat perdu ou une utopie à (re)penser ?», T. Blöss, I. Blöss-Widmer (dir.), Penser le vieillissement en Méditerranée. Données, processus et liens sociaux, Karthala/Maison méditerranéenne des Sciences de l’Homme, Collection Atelier méditerranéen, 332 p.
Ma L., Rizzi E., Turunen J. (2019), «Childlessness, Sex Composition of Children, and Divorce Risks in China», Demographic Research, 41 (26), pp. 753-780.
Marteau B. (2019), «La séparation chez les couples corésidents de même sexe et de sexe différent», Population (édition française), 74 (4), pp. 521-549.
Marteau B. (2019), «Separation among Cohabiting Same-Sex and Different-Sex Couples», Population (English edition), 74 (4), pp. 483-506.
Masquelier B., Pison G., Rakotonirina J., Rasoanomenjanahary A. (2019), «EstimatingCause-SpecificMortality in Madagascar: An Evaluation of DeathNotification Data from the Capital City», Population Health Metrics, 17 (1), pp. 1-12.
Menashe-Oren A. (2019), «Migrant-Based Youth Bulges and Social Conflict in Urban Sub-Saharan Africa», Demographic Research, 42 (3), pp. 57-98.
Mikucka M., Rizzi E. (2019), «The Parenthood and Happiness Link: Testing Predictions from Five Theories», European Journal of Population, pp. 1-25.
Mouchart M., Bouckaert A., Wunsch G. (2019), «Pharmacological and Residual Effects in Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trials. A Structural Causal Modelling Approach», Revue d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique.
Nappa J., Schoumaker B., Phongi A., Flahaux M.-L. (2019), «Difficultés économiques et transformation des unions à Kinshasa», Population, 74 (3), pp. 273-298.
Nappa J., Schoumaker B., Phongi A., Flahaux M.-L. (2019), «Economic Hardship and transformation of unions in Kinshasa», Population, 74 (3), pp. 257-280.
Ratovoson R., Randremanana R., Rakotomanana F., Andriamandimby S. F., Mangahasimbola R., Masquelier B., Richard V., Piola P., Pison G., Baril L. (2019), «Cohort profile: Moramanga health survey in urban and rural areas in Madagascar (MHURAM project)», International Journal of Epidemiology, pp. 1-11.
Rautu I., Dos Santos S., Schoumaker B., Le Hesran J.-Y. (2019), «Le rôle de l’environnement dans les maladies diarrhéiques chez l’enfant : l’apport des méthodes mixtes», Cahiers Québécois de Démographie, 48 (1), pp. 53-81.
Russo F., Wunsch G., Mouchart M. (2019), «Causality in the Social Sciences: A structural modelling framework», Quality & Quantity, pp. 1-14.
Sarkar K. (2019), «Maternal Health Care in India: A Regional Perspective», A. Banerjee, S. Nangia (eds), Contemporary Health Issues in India: Challenges and Responses, Rajesh Publications, First edition.
Schnor C., Jalovaara, M. (2019), «The Increase in non-Marital Childbearing and its Link to Educational Expansion», Acta Sociologica, online first.
Schoumaker B. (2019), «MaleFertility around the World and overTime. How DifferentIs it fromFemaleFertility?», Population and Development Review, online first, pp. 1-29.
Schoumaker B. (2019), «Stalls in FertilityTransitions in Sub-Saharan Africa: Revisiting the Evidence», Studies in Family Planning, online first, pp. 1-22.
Shah Md. A. H., Khandaker Jafor A. (2019), «Is Fertility Preference Related to Perception of the Risk of Child Mortality, Changes in Landholding, and Type of Family? A Comparative Study on Populations Vulnerable and not Vulnerable to Extreme Weather Events in Bangladesh», Project Muse, Population Review, 58 (2), Sociological Demography Press, pp. 61-99.
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