
Remote Webinars


2nd Carbon Dioxide Conversion Catalysis Virtual Conference

2nd Carbon Dioxide Conversion Catalysis Virtual Conference

8-9 November 2021   The forthcoming 2nd Carbon Dioxide Conversion Catalysis Virtual Conference taking place from 08-09 November 2021. Organised by Fusion Online, a Cambridge, UK based...

IS2M annual meetings

IS2M annual meetings - 26-28 May 2021

This year, the IS2M annual meeting will focus on Adsorption in Porous Solids. According to the uncertain situation, the event goes virtual on half days (mornings). During these three half days,...

Frontiers in Nanoscale Molecular Photocatalysis, May 19, 2021

Frontiers in Nanoscale Molecular Photocatalysis, May 19,...

  The seminar will be presented by Prof. Matthias Bauer (University of Paderborn, Germany), with an introduction given by Prof. James K. McCusker (Michigan State University, USA), and the...



A journey in experimental toxicology, with a twist of chemistry Speaker: Dominique Lison (UCLouvain, LTAP, Belgium) Zoom link:...

Discrete synthetic macromolecules - May 3, 10 & 17, 2021

Discrete synthetic macromolecules - May 3, 10 and 17, 2021

Webinar Series - Discrete synthetic macromolecules : Synthesis and Applications The UGent PCR group is organising a free Webinar series on May 3, 10 and 17 on the synthesis and...

Industry needs you - 27 April 2021

INDUSTRY NEEDS YOU - 27 April 2021

    The seminar  "Industry Needs You" would be held in English It aims at :  - present the possible carrees in the chemical industry (in the...

Carbonhagen 2021 - April 22, 10:00

Carbonhagen 2021 - April 22, 10:00

You can look forward to two really exciting talks on Thursday – both are dealing with the extreme physics arising from extreme confinement, but in very different ways… and both are free upon...

2020 International Solvay Chair in Chemistry

2020 International Solvay Chair in Chemistry by...

The series of lectures of the 2020 International Solvay Chair in Chemistry by Professor Joanna Aizenberg (Harvard U. , USA) will be held online via Zoom on  1)  THURSDAY...

Webinar Batteries - SRC jeunes - 7 April 2021

Webinar Batteries - SRC jeunes - 7 April 2021

"Positioning organic electrode materials in the battery landscape – A credible alternative towards eco-friendly batteries" given by Alae Eddine Lakraychi from UCLouvain. The webinar will...

The series of lectures of the 2020 Jacques Solvay International Chair in Physics by Professor Roger Blandford (Stanford U., USA)

KVCV - 22 February 2021

KVCV - Invitation online lecture

KVCV, the Royal Flemish Chemical Society, kindly invites you to our next online lecture: 2020 Incentive Awardee Lecture The Rising of Metal-Oxo Cluster Based Catalysts for the...

20-21-22 Janvier - Journées AFA 2021

20-21-22 January 2021 - Journées AFA 2021 et Ecole de l'AFA

Les prochaines Journées de l'AFA se tiendront en distanciel les matinées des 20, 21, et 22 janvier 2021. Deux thèmes feront l’objet de sessions particulières : Applications biomédicales de...

1st.Dec. 2020

Dec. 1st - 03:00 pm - MOVE ON UP WALLONIA

Transitions sociale, économique et environnementale : une réalité à laquelle le secteur de la chimie et des sciences de la vie s’adapte et contribue. Notre industrie innove afin de répondre à...

25-26 Nov. 2020 - GSFV 2020

25-26 Nov. 2021 - Journées GFSV 2020

En raison de la crise sanitaire, l'école thématique CNRS organisée par le Groupe Français de Spectroscopie Vibrationnelle (GFSV) a été remplacée par un événement 100% en ligne les 25 et 26...

Nov, 17th - Royal Society of Chemistry event on line

Nov. 17th - 15:00 - Royal Society of Chemistry event on line

Register for the first talk in our ChemComm Emerging Investigators Desktop Seminar series Welcome to the latest RSC Desktop Seminars, sponsored by ChemComm. Each session will...

Online Solvay Colloquium on Tuesday 11 May - Dominique Lison

Fe(II) sensor for meat freshness monitoring

A non-porous Fe(II) complex for the colorimetric detection of hazardous gases and the monitoring of meat freshness, by Li Sun, Aurelian Rotaru, Yann Garcia Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022,...

IBAME Vice Chair

Prof. Yann Garcia, elected as Vice chair IBAME (International Board on the Applications of the Mössbauer effect) The objectives of this Board are to advance the diffusion of knowledge in the...

Imprimer du vivant en 3D

Imprimer du vivant en 3D : une technique qui diminue le recours aux animaux de laboratoire.   La ministre de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche scientifique, Valérie Glatigny, a...

Nov. 11-12, Royal Society of Chemistry event on line

Nov, 11-12. Royal Society of Chemistry event on line

New Frontiers in Synthetic Chemistry 2020 - 11-12 Nov. 2020 Join us online in November 2020 for this virtual addition to our 2020 events.  This symposium will showcase recent advances from...

12 Nov - Advanced sorption techniques for physico-chemical characterization of solid-state materials

12 Nov - Advanced sorption techniques for...

Date:  12 November 2020  Time:  13:00 BST (14:00 CEST) Duration: 2 hours Advanced sorption techniques for physico-chemical characterization of solid-state materials...

14 Oct - Advanced sorption techniques for physico-chemical characterization of solid-state materials

Advanced sorption techniques for physico-chemical...

Date:  14 October 2020  Time:  9:00 BST (10:00 CEST) Duration: 2 hours Advanced sorption techniques for physico-chemical characterization of solid-state materials JOIN...

Oct, 5 - Desktop Seminar wit RSC Advances

RSC Desktop Seminar with RSC Advances

Monday 5 October This 90 minute seminar will focus on design and structure in materials science and showcase the latest research from three exciting early career researchers. We will also be...

2020 Jacques Solvay International Chair in Physics

A series of webinars on gas sorption, porous materials and nanoparticles characterization

A series of webinars on gas sorption, porous materials...

A series of webinars on gas sorption, porous materials and nanoparticles characterization : please see website for more details and registration....


ACS - Join Us For Our First Global eTalk

July 1, 2020 - ACS Photonics will be hosting an hour-long eTalk on Wednesday, July 1 featuring Andrea Alù, Founding Director of the Photonics Initiative at CUNY Advanced Science...

Advanced sorption techniques for physico-chemical characterization of solid-state materials

12 Nov - Advanced sorption techniques for...

Date:  12 November 2020  Time:  13:00 BST (14:00 CEST) Duration: 2 hours Advanced sorption techniques for physico-chemical characterization of solid-state materials...

Application of Enzymes for Sustainable Chemistry

Application of Enzymes for Sustainable Chemistry

Faraday Discussion events programme

Faraday Discussion events programme

The Royal Society of Chemistry have taken the decision to make a selection of our Faraday Discussion events virtual. Several non-virtual events have been postponed to a later date. With a...

FNRS live


  Monday, June 22, 2020 at 06:00 PM   LE "MONDE D'APRES" La crise que nous traversons sonne-t-elle la fin de notre civilisation ? Quelles sont les conséquences de l’épidémie de...

Graphene For Research, Innovation, Collaboration

Graphene for Research, Innovation, Collaboration

Join our latest digital event on 22-24 September 2020 covering a broad range of topics. What is Graphene For? Graphene For is the Graphene Flagship's new virtual event series! This series...


JACS - Broadcast Symposium

Broadcast Symposium: Spotlight on Moving Chemistry from Bench to Market in the Journal of the American Chemical Society Monday, August 17, 2020...

NanoInnovation 2020

Scanning Probe Microscopy School

16-17 September 2020 We announce the NanoInnovation School on Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM), which will be held as a satellite event of NanoInnovation 2020. After the success of the school on...