
Administrative staff


Billen Vanessa
Works on Thuesday, Wednesday morning and Thursday
Room b.169

Delphine Bouillon
Works on Thuesday, Wednesday morning and Thursday
Room b.154

Brigitte Castrop
Building Management
Works on Monday, Thuesday morning and Wednesday morning (teleworking)
Room b.169

Ben Deschamps
ERC-Philand Project Secretary 
Works at INCAL Wednesday (teleworking) and Thursday
Room b.155

Joël Ficet
Research Projects Coordinator
Works at INCAL every day except on Thursday (teleworking)
Room b.155

Image and Publications Office
Event advertising and programmes, posters, publication covers, INCAL newsletter, creation of online registration forms

Works at INCAL on Monday, Tuesday (teleworking) and Thursday

Editor-in-Chief of Études théâtrales review

Publication manager of Lettres romanes review
Works at INCAL Monday (every other week), Wednesday and Friday
Room b.162

Administrative coordination of the Institute and management of its research
Works at INCAL on Tuesday, Wednesday morning and a flexible day depending on the meetings.
Room b.157

Logistics and Accounting Unit (CLC)
Works at INCAL every day except on Thursday (teleworking)
Room b.165

Manager of Image and Publications Office
Development of communication tools, production of podcasts and videos, maintenance and development of the INCAL website, camera-ready layout, INCAL activity report

Works at INCAL Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, and teleworking on Monday and Thuesday.
Room b.176

Updated: 2022 February 1st