



Research Team Publications


The members of the Neurology Department are working both as clinicians in the University hospital and as research clinicians in the IoNS Institute. Some of them participate in fundamental research projects in neurosciences. The neurology department from Brussels Saint Luc university hospital provides a wide range of services for all varieties of neurological diseases. Areas of specialty include the Neuromuscular Reference Center (Resp. Professor Van den Bergh), the Neuropsychology Center (Resp. Prof. Ivanoiu), the clinical neuro­linguistics (Resp. Professor de Partz)Ìý

or Epilepsy reference Center (Dr. Ferrao Santos & Dr. El Tahry). Other important activities which will be not developed here, include specific research on multiple sclerosis and inflammatory disorders (see Laboratory of Neurochemistry report, CEMO), Parkinson’s disease and movements disorders, disorders of higher cortical functions, migraine, sleep disorders, stroke pain, …

Research activities are of course mainly conducted in collaboration with colleagues from other departments (genetics, neuroimaging, psychology, psychiatry, rehabilitation, …). Specific collaborations have been developed with the Otorhinolaryngology (Head Pr. Rombaux) and Ophtalmology (Head Pr. De Potter) Departments for the study of vertigo, olfactory functions and neuro-ophtalmology as well as neurosurgery (Head Pr. Raftopoulos). All the physicians and associate academic staff members working in the neurology department are members of the neuroscience Institute. Some members of the department are especially interested in the history of Neurosciences.
Academic research projects are conducted by most of the neurologists in their field of interest and strong collaborations do exist with research groups involved in more fundamental work. A large part of the research work in the hospital consists in clinical trials with new drug treatments. These last fifteen years have been characterised by many new therapeutic possibilities in neurological degenerative diseases but also multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and more recently acute stroke. The neurology department is one of the five most active of the hospital in clinical trials that may lead to new treatments.

The Institute of Neuroscience, IoNS, provides an outstanding opportunity for the team of clinicians, especially the physicians of the Hospital, to develop their research projects, to collaborate with the other members of the Institute and heatedly work to progress in the knowledge and understanding of the nervous system.


Principal investigators

Many others fellow-workers take part in various clinical researches (assistants training MACCS, physiotherapists psychologists ...)