
Neuro musculo skeletal Lab


Our group is focused on human biomechanics. Biomechanics of human movement can be defined as the interdisciplinary science which describes, analyzes, and assesses human movement to explore biological problems. Biomechanics, as an outgrowth of both life and physical sciences, is built on the basic body of knowledge of physics, chemistry, mathematics, physiology, and anatomy.

Under the banner of interdisciplinary complementarity and especially around the very privileged bond between clinicians and researchers, the new research group is dedicated to human Biomechanics: the study of the neuro-musculoskeletal system in patients with orthopedic (1) and neurological impairments (2), the assistive technologies for surgery and new standards for surgical accuracy measurements (3).

Engineers, orthopedic and maxillo-facial surgeons, physiotherapists and Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation specialists join efforts in order to better understand the mechanisms of orthopedic and neurological disorders, to improve the quality of care and reduce the cost of health care. In addition, the investigators associate the harvesting of all medical and computer data collected by high-precision tools in the surgical treatments, to better define the surgical precision.