
Cahiers du CeDIE


The CeDIE Working Papers are aimed to disseminate the outcome of selected researches carried out by the members of the and to encourage a constructive scholarly dialogue. They are nonetheless open to the publication of papers submitted by others researchers and approved by the editorial board.

Releasing a paper as a CeDIE Working Paper does not prevent its subsequent publication in a law journal or an edited volume. At the author’s request, the link to the text may be deactivated once published elsewhere. 

Cahiers du CeDIE Working Papers - 2021

°2021/1 Eduardo Álvarez-Armas, ""

Cahiers du CeDIE Working Papers - 2020

N° 2020/2 Fabrizio Esposito, ""

N° 2020/1 Anne-Lise Sibony, ""

Cahiers du CeDIE Working Papers - 2019

N° 2019/6 Anne-Lise Sibony, ""

N° 2019/5 Anne-Lise Sibony, ""

N° 2019/4 Anne-Lise Sibony, ""

N° 2019/3 Eleonora Frasca, ""

N° 2019/2 Raphaël van Steenberghe, "The ICRC: A privileged non-state actor in international law making"

N° 2019/1 Anne-Lise Sibony, ""

Cahiers du CeDIE Working Papers - 2018

N° 2018/2 Anne-Lise Sibony, ""

N° 2018/1 Anne-Lise Sibony et Nikitas Michail, ""

Cahiers du CeDIE Working Papers - 2017

N° 2017/1 Marc Fallon, ""

Cahiers du CeDIE Working Papers - 2016

N° 2016/3 Sylvie Sarolea et Luc Leboeuf, ""

N° 2016/2 Anne-Lise Sibony, ""

N° 2016/1 Anne-Lise Sibony, ""

Cahiers du CeDIE Working Papers - 2014

N° 2014/2 Eduardo Álvarez Armas, "(Lack of) International Jurisdiction over Third-country Polluters: A Trojan Horse to the EU’s Environmental Policy?"

N° 2014/1 Massimo Starita, ""

Cahiers du CeDIE Working Papers - 2013

N° 2013/7 Jean-Yves Carlier et Cédric Cheneviere, ""

N° 2013/6 Damien M.B. Gérard, ""

N° 2013/5 Pierre d'Argent, ""

N° 2013/4 Pierre d'Argent, ""

N° 2013/3 Johan Callewaert, ""

N° 2013/2 Pierre d'Argent, ""

N° 2013/1 Pierre d'Argent, ""

Cahiers du CeDIE Working Papers - 2012

N° 2012/8 Luc Leboeuf, ""

N° 2012/7 Damien Gerard, "

N° 2012/6 Marc Fallon, Damien Gerard, ""

N° 2012/5 Denis Martin, ""

N° 2012/4 Jean-Yves Carlier, ""

N° 2012/3 Marie Dechamps, Marc Fallon, ""

N° 2012/2 Caroline Henricot, ""

N° 2012/1 Damien Gerard, ""

Cahiers du CeDIE Working Papers - 2011

N° 2011/3 Jean-Yves Carlier, Caroline Henricot, ""

N° 2011/2 Stéphanie Francq, Eduardo Álvarez Armas, Marie Dechamps, ""

N° 2011/1 Marc Fallon, ""