
PhD Mobility

Students who take part in the are welcome to carry out an apprenticeship project / internship / PhD thesis in the Louvain research institute for Landscape, Architecture, Built environment (LAB).

The duration of the Erasmus+ Traineeship ranges from a minimum of 2 months to a maximum of 12 months.

The Erasmus+ Traineeship Programme is open to students who are enrolled in a Degree Programme offered by European Universities that are part of the Erasmus+ Programme.

In order to participate in the Erasmus+ Traineeship Programme and to submit your application file, please follow the steps below:

  1. Check the activities of the different within the Louvain research institute for Landscape, Architecture, Built environment (LAB)
  2. Contact the professor responsible for the research team you are interested in and send him/her the following documents (please put the institute secretary, sandrine.matthieu@uclouvain.be, in cc of your email):
    • Updated curriculum vitae with information on education, research experience, papers published and technical skills (e.g., software that you know well)
    • Updated official Transcript of Records
    • Motivation/recommendation letter or a short summary of the activity you would like to develop at UCLouvain
  3. If the supervisor approves your request, you can ask for his/her help to fill in your 3 following Traineeship document proposals:
    • proposal (see )
    • proposal
    • proposal
  4. Once your Learning Agreement for Traineeship, Addendum to the Erasmus Learning Agreement and Traineeship Description have been signed by the LAB supervisor, you must send them to your home university for approval.
  5. When these 3 documents are fully signed, please send your complete application file by email to the institute secretary, sandrine.matthieu@uclouvain.be.

Please note that your application file must be completed and fully signed at least 3 months before your arrival at UCLouvain.

On arrival, the PhD student is welcomed by the supervisor, who gives him or her the risk analysis and informs him or her of the provisions concerning well-being at work (safety). To this end, the supervisor and the trainee sign two copies of the form relating to the reception of trainees, each keeping one copy.

The trainee must contact the UCLouvain Registration Service (SIC) and provide the following documents by e-mail:

  1. a copy of his/her identity card/passport
  2. the registration form for trainees
  3. the Learning Agreement for Traineeship + the addendum
  4. the risk analysis

After registration, the trainee will receive an invoice of 66€ (1).

(1) In the case of an Erasmus course, the trainee does not pay this registration fee.