
Vacant positions

Bruxelles Woluwe

Find here vacantpositionatLDRI or elsewhere.

September 26, 2023

For DI-PRESCRIBE, the CLIP group (LDRI) is recruiting 1 researcher for a period of 9 months(depending on your profile, it may be possible to discuss an extension for a longer period).
Starting date: October or November 2023.
Deadline for applications: 15 October2023.

March 30, 2023

Dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche sur la déprescription des benzodiazépines chez la personne âgée financé par EBPracticenet et le Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, le groupe de recherche en pharmacie clinique de l’UCLouvain recherche :

  • Un·e « study nurse » / data manager.
  • Un·ejobiste pour une tâche de collecte des données sur le terrain et/ou par téléphone ou visio-conférence.

Date limite decandidature: 24 avril 2023.

March 13, 2023

For theDI-PRESCRIBE project, the CLIP Group (LDRI) isrecruiting a doctoral research fellow, for a durationof 4 years.
Start date: between April 2023 and September 2023.
Deadline for applications:15 April 2023.

March 10, 2023

The Advanced Drug Delivery and Biomaterials Research Group(LDRI/ADDB) propose a Post-doctoral position in an EU funded project: PIEZO4SPINE.

February 13, 2023

The Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS) of UCLouvain, Brussels, proposefor a highly motivated postdoctoral scientist aPostdoc position: “Using invasive and non-invasive brain stimulation to modulate pain perception in humans”.

February 09, 2023

Postdoctoral position in metagenomic and metabolomic analysisat MNut group (LDRI)

Postdoc position in Brain Sciences/Neurosciences at LDRI/UCLouvain

We are pleased to share an opening of a postdoctoral position in Brain Sciences/Neurosciences in the Metabolism and Nutrition Research Group, LDRI, Сư洫ý (UCLouvain), Brussels, Belgium to join the team of Prof Amandine Everard.

If you are curious about, or interested in, our research topics (gut-brain axis, gut microbiota, neurosciences), and you would like to probe deeper into our research fields, both independently and as a team, investigating new research questions systematically and thoroughly using scientific methods, then this is the job for you!

Please send your questions or spontaneous application at secretaire-ldri@uclouvain.be