As its primary goal, the RSCS Institute seeks to merge and federate research teams and individuals who study religions and spiritualities in their various dimensions: historical, philological, theological, philosophical, juridical, literary, artistic, sociological, anthropological, psychological and didactic. The Institute joins these various
The RSCS Institute is a research community
Multidisciplinarity in religious studies is an old tradition at the Catholic University of Louvain. From the outset, classical research in the Faculty of Theology has always be linked with diverse disciplines, such as philosophy, history, philology, law, then psychology and sociology. More recently, in the 1980s, at
As much as christianism has enjoyed a long tradition of academic expertise in theology, canon law but also history, philosophy and later religious socio-anthropology at the UCLouvain, from the late XIXth Century onwards, the university also achieved some reknown for the study of other religions and cultures.