
Lauréat·e·s ERC

Liste des lauréat·e·s ERC

François MASSONNET - 1/01/2023 au 31/12/2027 - ...


Early warning of future rapid Arctic sea ice loss The Arctic is currently transitioning toward a new climatic state that will be characterized by seasonally sea-ice-free conditions almost every...
Valentin COUVREUR - 1/10/2022 au 30/09/2027 - ERC-2021-StG-LS9 - Panel


The Plant Water Pump With global warming, climate zones are projected to shift poleward, and the frequency and intensity of droughts to increase, driving threats to crop production and...
Pascal GEHRING - 1/05/2022 au 30/04/2027 (tbc) - ERC-2021-StG - Panel PE3


Molecular Quantum Heat Engines Heat engines are an integral part of our daily lives. They power cars or produce electricity by converting heat into work. Increasing their efficiency is very...
David DE LA CROIX - 01.01.2021 au 31.12.2025 - ERC-2019-AdG - Panel SH1


DID ELITE HUMAN CAPITAL TRIGGER THE RISE OF THE WEST? INSIGHTS FROM A NEW DATABASE OF EUROPEAN SCHOLARS My aim is to determine the role of elite knowledge and upper-tail human capital (UTHC) in...
Anthony PAPAVASILIOU - 01.11.2020 au 31.10.2025 - ERC-2019-StG - Panel PE7


SCALABLE OPTIMIZATION OF POWER SYSTEMS WITH FLEXIBLE DEMAND AND RENEWABLE SUPPLY The large-scale integration of renewable resources in electric power systems requires the mobilization of...