
Jens M. Scherpe

DRT Louvain-La-Neuve

Jens M. Scherpe is Professor of Comparative Law at Aalborg University. Until August 2022, he was Professor of Comparative Law at the University of Cambridge and the Director of Cambridge Family Law. He is an Emeritus Fellow of Gonville and Caius College and the editor of the International Journal of law, Policy and the Family (IJLPF).

He has held visiting positions i.a. at universities in Sydney, Auckland, London, Vienna, Leuven, Barcelona, Padua, Louvain-la-Neuve and Melbourne and currently is Extraordinary Professor at the University of the Western Cape in South Africa.

He also is Academic Door Tenant at queen Elizabeth Building, London, and has acted as consultant in cases in England, Germany, Hong Kong and Belgium, including Radmacher v Granatino [2009] EWCA Civ 649, Z v Z (No 2) [2011] EWHC 2878 (Fam) and SA v SPH [2011] HKCFI 1649 (HCMC 1/2011) and CACV 99/2012.


  • Mardi 14 mai 2024 de 8h30 à 10h30 (MORE 74) : Trans- and intersex persons in international situations | Private international law and human rightsÌý/ Droit international privé et droits fondamentauxÌý[LDROP2172]

  • Mardi 14 mai 2024 de 16h15 à 18h15 (MORE 52) : The reception of continental matrimonial agreements in common law contexts | Droit international privé notarial [LNOTA2001]

  • Mercredi 15 mai 2024 de 16h15 à 18h15 (MORE 51) : Surrogacy in a comparative perspective | Individuals, family and the State / Individu, famille et Etat [LDROP2072]


  • Jeudi 16 mai 2024 de 10h30 à 12h45 (SOCR -242) : Regulating De Facto Cohabitation ? Comparative, UK and Belgian Perspectives | Séminaire
