Séverine Lagneaux
"Befana a chi?" Seuils et figures tutélaires de l'hiver en Italie.
Pr. AlfonsinaBELLIO- Université de Lorraine -FRANCE
Masculinity, violence, and lots of fun: The global rise of the Krampus
Dr. MatthäusREST- Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History -GERMANY
Dr Marie DERIDDER, Dr Lionel SIMON et Dr Jean-Frédéric de HASQUE
Santas, Saints and Sensibilities – A view from Hungary
Pr. LászlóKÜRTI-Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Miskolc-HUNGARY
Santa Klaus in the video-games narratives and uses.
Pr. OlivierSERVAIS- Université Catholique de Louvain-BELGIQUE
The Afterlife of the Socialist Santa: Pedagogies, AestheticsandPolitics of “Normal Life” in Postwar Bosnia-Herzegovina
Pr. LarisaKURTOVIC- School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies - University of Ottawa -CANADA
Prof. Anne-Marie VUILLEMENOT & Prof. Frédéric LAUGRAND