


Researchers within the Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience division of the Institute seek to understand the neural mechanisms underlying perceptual, cognitive and motor functions in humans.

Our research interests include the neural mechanisms of numerical and social cognition, executive functions, sensori-motor coordination, motor control, spatial perception, representation of time and expectation, sensory plasticity, impact of early visual defects on late development of cognitive functions, language and gesture understanding and production, semantics, somatosensory perception including pain, visual perception of complex naturalistic images (faces, objects and scenes), the dynamics of object grasping, psychometry, neurorehabilitation, biomechanics of locomotion, rhythm perception, and neural interfaces. Our research relies on a wide range of methods and techniques available locally or through national and international collaborative networks: psychophysics and mental chronometry, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), scalp and intracerebral electroencephalography (EEG), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), recording of eye movements, and electromyography. These methods are complemented by neuropsychological studies of patients with lesions of the peripheral or central nervous system.

Research groups

  • Motor skill learning and intensive neurorehabilitation Lab (MSL-IN) (Yannick Bleyenheuft)
  • BAS Lab (Robert Hardwick)
  • Anticipation and its troubles (Marcus Missal)
  • CoActions lab (Julie Duqué)
  • Rhythm & Brain (R&B) (Sylvie Nozaradan)
  • InsuLab (Giulia Liberati)
  • NOCIONS (André Mouraux, Valéry Legrain, Giulia Liberati)
  • SpacePain (Valéry Legrain)
  • CUSL transitional pain clinic (Patricia Lavand'homme, Luc Sermeus)
  • Chronic pain and biopsychosocial approach in rehabilitation (Anne Berquin)
  • SensMotion Lab (Philippe Lefèvre, Frédéric Crevecoeur, Benoît Delhaye)
  • Sensory perception & action behaviour (PSY-NAPS) (Martin Edwards)
  • Immersive Virtual Environment Laboratory (IVE Lab) (Martin Edwards)
  • Spring Lab (Dana Samson)
  • Human-inspired robotics (Renaud Ronsse)
  • Cognitive neuropsychology laboratory (Gilles Vannuscorps)
  • LANCOM lab (Jolijn Vanderauwera)
  • Deli Lab (Marie Van Reybroeck)
  • P-syllab (Arnaud Szmalec)
  • Crossmodal perception and plasticity (CPP-Lab) (Olivier Collignon)
  • Human vision research (Valérie Goffaux)
  • NUMCOG (Mauro Pesenti, Michael Andres, Virginie Crollen)
  • LOCO (Bénédicte Schepens, Dominique De Jaeger)
  • Locomotion development (Arthur Dewolf)