


Research divisions

  • Cellular and Molecular division (CEMO)
  • Systems and Cognition division (COSY)
  • Clinical Neuroscience division (NEUR)

Members of the institute

The Institute of Neuroscience (IoNS) currently encompasses 325 members:

  • 43 Scientific academics;
  • 32 Clinical academics;
  • 36 Postdoctorate fellows;
  • 133 PhD students;
  • 27 Technical and administrative staff;
  • 15 Clinicians;
  • 39 Scientific collaborators.

The Council

The Council is chaired by Pr. Adrian Ivanoiu and gathers once a year.

Missions of the Council:

  • adopt the internal rules of the institute and its amendments, in compliance with the regulations in force within the University,
  • submit proposals for mergers, divisions or modifications to the council of the Health Sciences Sector
  • elect the president of the institute and the president of the Institute's council,
  • set the main directions of the Institute's research policy,
  • set the general guidelines of the Institute's budget,
  • appoint members of the permanent academic and scientific staff who will sit on the Institute's executive board according to the terms set out in its internal rules of procedure,
  • approve the annual report of the Institute submitted by the President of Institute on behalf of the executive board.

Executive board


The executive board consists of 12 members:

  • Pr. André Mouraux, President of the Institute;
  • Pr. Philippe Gailly, Vice-president;
  • Pr. Philippe Lefèvre, Vice-president;
  • Pr. Bernard Hanseeuw, Vice-president;
  • Pr. Nicolas Tajeddine, Responsible of CEMO Division;
  • Pr. Yannick Bleyenheuft, Responsible of COSY Division;
  • Pr. Caroline Huart, Responsible of NEUR Division;
  • Dr Laurence Dricot and Ms Gwenaëlle Mievis, representatives of the scientific staff of the Institute (CORSCI);
  • Pr. Valéry Legrain, representative of the Proximity Doctoral Commission attached to the IoNS;
  • Ms Nathalie Desmet, representative of the administrative and technical staff of the Institute (PAT);
  • Ms Sonia Miranda Relvas, administrative coordinator of Institute of Neuroscience.


The executive board performs the following specific tasks:

  • deliberate and decide on questions of policy of the institute in compliance with the main orientations of research policy determined by the Council of the institute;
  • submit amendments to the internal rules of procedure to the Council of the Institute, if appropriate,
  • follows the actions of the president of the institute, particularly in his or her relations with academic authorities, sectors, faculties, other institutes and environments that are external to the University;
  • provides missions of pulse, of animation, of coordination, of development and of evaluation of research at the Institute;
  • adopt the Institute's budget and its allocation, in accordance with the guidelines set by the Council;
  • ensures, by appropriate procedures, information to members of the Institute.

Scientific Committee

The scientific committee exerts an advisory task on research policies and is composed of 3 world-class researchers:

Olivier BERTRAND - Director of the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CRNL)

Gaël CHÉTELAT - INSERM Research Director, Physiopathology and Imaging of Neurological Disorders (PhIND), Institute Blood and Brain @ Caen-Normandie, GIP Cyceron, Team "Multimodal neuroimaging and Lifestyle in Aging and Alzheimer’s disease"

Antoine DEPAULIS - INSERM Research Director, Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience (GIN), Université Grenoble Alpes, Team "Functional Neuroimaging and Brain Perfusion"
