
SEFY - Plant Cultivation Facilities


The SEFY platform is first and foremost 2000 m2 of cultivation area divided into greenhouses and phytotrons.  

In 2014, UCLouvain equipped itself with new greenhouses to meet the economic and ecological challenges of the future through the choice of construction materials that allow energy savings, the automation of cultivation conditions, and LED lighting adapted to the needs of the plants.  

These cultivation areas are primarily intended for the university community for its teaching and research missions, but also welcome external companies.  

Finally, the platform also plays an awareness-raising role for the general public and regularly offers visits for schools, associations, etc., particularly during the Spring Science Festival.

SEFY : Plant cultivation Facilities

What we offer : services and expertise

Expertise in : plant growth and crop monitoring

What can we do ?

Welcome and support students and researchers Advice and support in setting up experiences

Why work with us ?

2000 m2 of controlled cultivation areas in greenhouses and 8 growth chambers Led lighting system adapted to the needs of the plants

What are our fields of expertise?

Improved growing conditions Phenotyping platform
Visite virtuelle de SEFY