
Learning outcomes

The Master 120 in Communication trains communication specialists in various organisational, cultural and political fields. The students who have access to it have previously mastered the foundations and disciplinary theories of communication. The Master 120 aims to enable them to specialise in one of the major professional fields by choosing a field of study.

It offers :

  • specialised training in one of the major professional fields of communication;
  • a programme that combines theoretical and analytical mastery with practical training in high-level professional techniques
  • an integrated approach based on projects, to be carried out individually or in groups, and case studies;
  • a multidisciplinary look at the challenges of communication;
  • the possibility of exercising their skills in real conditions, thanks to a field placement;
  • the opportunity to spend part of their programme abroad.

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :

CG Competences common to the School of Communication's 120 masters courses: 

  • CG1 Demonstrate a thorough understanding and mastery of the theoretical and historical frameworks of information and communication sciences.
  • CG2 Analyse and evaluate communication objects and processes in different social, political and cultural contexts in order to account for their effectiveness and to uncover the social, political and cultural issues that drive them.
  • CG3 Act appropriately, critically, ethically and creatively to manage a communication situation.

The student will be able to: 

  • GC3.1 - Question the scope of acts of information and communication in ethical terms and situate them in relation to law and ethics
  • CG3.2 - Take a critical look at a media document by identifying its ideological content and analysing it and discussing its intended/possible effects.
  • CG3.3 - Express his/her ideas orally, in writing and through multimedia in a coherent and convincing way, respecting the ethics of his/her profession.

  • CG4 - To make available relevant information or knowledge (political, economic, social...) adapted to the target audience and to interact constructively with the different actors involved in/by them.

The student will be able to: 

  • CG4.1 — Communicate, orally and in writing, in a relevant way on complex situations / subjects
    • CG4.1.1 — Select relevant information to analyse and compare given situations.
    • CG4.1.2 — Present information in a correct, structured, clear, precise and reasoned way (e.g. in reports, balance sheets, notes, minutes, etc.).
    • CG4.1.3 — Adapt communication (content and form) to the target audience and to the intentions according to the communication standards specific to the context (popularise, etc.).
  • CG4.2 — C Communicate in English, orally and in writing, in a clear, coherent and reasoned manner and with ease on general subjects or subjects related to the fields of information and communication sciences. (Level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference).
  • CG4.3 — Dialog, interact and negotiate constructively with a variety of interlocutors, including collaborators, decision-makers and target audiences.
  • CG4.4 — Integrate and collaborate effectively within a team and/or with networked actors involved in a given situation.

  • CG5 - To design and carry out a personal research project (dissertation), using a rigorous and critical scientific and methodological approach, to investigate a problem in information and communication sciences.

The student will be able to: 

  • CG5.1 - Define and specify a research problem by ensuring its contextualisation.
  • CG5.2 - Carry out a critical synthesis of the literature on this problematic by making an active, critical and relevant use of information tools, primary and secondary sources.
  • GC5.3 - Construct and implement a rigorous and relevant methodological system to address the issue.
  • CC5.4 - Design and carry out, where appropriate, quantitative and/or qualitative empirical research, using appropriate analytical tools.
  • CG5.5 - Develop an objective analysis and a spirit of synthesis enabling the parameters involved to be put into perspective and relevant conclusions to be drawn.
  • CG5.6 - Generally demonstrate a critical distance both from one's own work and from the knowledge mobilised in it.

  • GC6 - To act as a critical and responsible graduate and to have developed a capacity for continuous questioning. 

The student will be able to: 

  • CG6.1 - Project oneself in a socio-professional practice according to a well-founded academic approach (from a theoretical and methodological point of view) and characterised by a reflective and critical approach.
  • CG6.2 - Commit, decide and act autonomously and responsibly with respect to the framework, the work context and others.
  • CG6.3 - Adopt a posture of an actor aware of his/her social and civic responsibility.
  • CG6.4 - Integrate a logic of critical distance from oneself (one's achievements, skills, limits, productions and actions), a logic of learning and continuous development which are essential to evolve positively in one's socio-professional environment.

  • CG7 - To develop skills specific to a first concrete work experience (internship):

The student will be able to: 

  • GC7.1 - Position and exercise one's role and field of action within an organisation, interfacing with the various stakeholders (internal and external) and adapting to the context and operating logics.
  • CG7.2 - Confront theory and practice in order to learn to take a critical look at the functioning of an organisation and/or a problematic situation on the one hand, and on the other hand, at the theory in relation to the reality in the field ("back and forth" between theories and practices).

Specific competences for the "Strategic communication of organisations": 

The student will be able to: 

  • C-GCO-RP1 - Master the theoretical frameworks of strategic communication of organisations.
  • C-GCO-RP2 - Master the main methods of analysis and research on the strategic communication of organisations.
  • C-GCO-RP3 - Acquire strategic skills to develop, implement and evaluate organizational communication actions and campaigns, also from an economic point of view.
  • C-GCO-RP4 - Know how to analyse the context of the digitalisation of communication, and how to adapt organisational communication strategies to this context.
  • C-GCO-RP5 - Know the professional fields of strategic communication in organizations.
  • C-GCO-RP6 - Master the concepts and principles of marketing, particularly in its communicative dimension.
  • C-GCO-RP7 - Learn to evaluate the critical dimension of the strategic communication of organizations, knowing how to situate them in their social, political, technological, economic and historical context.
  • C-GCO-RP8 - Learn to evaluate the ethical dimension of strategic communication in organizations, in order to promote responsible behaviour in concrete communication situations
  • C-GCO-RP9 - Master the concepts and principles of corporate communication in organizations (market and non-market).
  • C-GCO -RP10 - Learn to communicate in languages other than French (preferably English and Dutch) with a language adapted to the professional context of strategic communication in organisations.
  • C-GCO-RP11 - Learn to apply the skills and knowledge accumulated in the study programme in the framework of the project courses, through teamwork for the realization of concrete projects in the field of organizational communication.

Axial options 

AXIS Production 

Axial option 1: Production in communication

  • C-PROD1 1 Acquire scientific skills to analyse the media and forms used by the communication of organisations (commercial, non-commercial, public and private), by contextualising these media and forms.
  • C-PROD1 2 Understand the complexity of the circulation of communicative productions in a multicultural and digitalized context.
  • C-PROD1 3 Know how to identify the differences between the types of writing circulating in the professional field (editorial, company newspaper, web writing, press release, interviaw, etc.), and know how to produce these types of writing in a way that is adapted to the communication strategies of organisations and public relations.
  • C-PROD1 4 Know how to combine the mastery of communicative writing with that of graphic design.

Axial option 2: Analysis and Evaluation in a Media Context

  • C-PROD2 1 Know how to analyse emerging technical devices, by understanding the underlying technologies, the conditions of appearance and the societal consequences of these devices.
  • C-PROD2 2 Understand and know how to use the encounter between narratives and media, including the themes of multimedia, adaptation and the passage of narratives from one medium to another.
AXIS Relation 

Axial option 1: Media and digital issues in communication

  • C-REL1 1 Master the challenges of relations with the press and the media in a digital context.
  • C-REL1 2 Develop knowledge and practical skills in dealing with the press (mediatraining).
  • C-REL1 3 Develop knowledge and practical skills in community management.
  • C-REL1 4 Master the issues of internal communication, its methods, supports, forms and the means to evaluate and measure it.
  • C-REL1 5 Understand the relationship between internal communication on the one hand, and human resource management (HRM) and organizational change management on the other.

Axial option 2: Organisational Communication and Change

  • C-REL2 1 master the challenges of crisis communication and sensitive forms of communication (acceptability, on sensitive subjects, on sustainable development, militant communication).
  • C-REL2 2 know how to set up an effective crisis communication, adapted to the stakes and to the types of organisation (public or private, market or non-market), in the context of an interconnected and multicultural world.)
  • C-REL2 3 understand and master the specificities of public and political communication.
  • C-REL2 4 know how to analyse political and public communication and how to develop an appropriate strategy.
AXIS Evaluation 

Axial option 1: Audit and Evaluation

  • C-EVAL1 1 learn to develop appropriate measurement and evaluation tools for organisational communication.
  • C-EVAL1 2 learn to analyse image barometers and conduct image studies.
  • C-EVAL1 3 learn to perform in-depth analyses of the internal communication of organisations, taking into account cultural aspects and the internal context.

Axial option 2: Web Engineering

  • C-EVAL2 1 master the theoretical and practical concepts and key trends in order to support brands, organisations and their leaders in developing strategies or formulating responses adapted to the specificities of digital communication.
  • C-EVAL2 2 know how to develop an online strategic watch.
  • C-EVAL2 3 know how to use digital communication tools adapted to each communication situation (marketing, press relations, recruitment, stakeholders dialogue, financial, internal or crisis communication).
  • C-EVAL2 4 know how to develop a dashboard with performance indicators for each tool used.
  • C-EVAL2 5 know the processes of human perception and cognition involved in processing visual or multimodal representations of information and data.
  • C-EVAL2 6 apply knowledge of human perception and cognition processes in the analysis and production of information and data presentation devices.


Communication and Content Production for the Web 

  • Understanding the impact of emerging technologies (mobile, big data, social networks) on work and management.
  • Organise and manage an editorial strategy for the web (editorial manager).
  • Use web tools to monitor and research information needed for editorial and media production.
  • Design and develop editorial projects for the web.
  • Understand the role of cognitive resources in the way Internet users use digital devices, in order to be able to take them into account in the realisation of a web communication strategy.

Entrepreneurship and business creation

  • C-ENTREP-1 - Developing an entrepreneurial spirit
  • C-ENTREP-2 - Develop entrepreneurial knowledge (knowledge of tools such as business plans and business model canvas, management tools for small structures, etc.)
  • C-ENTREP-3 - Develop entrepreneurial skills (including the skills required to launch and develop a project, ideation techniques, pitching techniques, collaborative work in multidisciplinary teams)

Professional Immersion

  • C-COMIMPRO-1 - Step back critically from an organisational and communication reality to highlight the problems observed.
  • C-COMIMPRO-2 - Manage the relationship with the partner and the members of his/her organisation.
  • C-COMIMPRO-3 - Select, prioritise and operationalise recommendations.

Marketing Communication

  • C-COMMKT-1 - Understand the role of communication in a marketing approach.
  • C-COMMKT-2 - Combine creativity and strategic objectives.
  • C-COMMKT-3 - Develop and use evaluation tools for marketing communication campaigns, carry out a market study.