
Programme structure

The bachelor programme in Ancient and Modern Languages and Literatures totals 180 credits over 3 years (3 x 60 credits). It consists of a major of 150 credits and a minor of 30 credits.

The 150 credits of the major consists of five mains axes:

  1. an introduction to humanities (historical criticism, general and ancient history, arts and civilisations, European literature, modern languages, philosophy, language science, logic and argumentation, anthropology and psychology, religious sciences);

  2. a methodological training in French and Latin studies (currents, concepts and methods, philological approach, literary theory, Bachelor's paper);

  3. a disciplinary training in the Latin language (vocabulary, grammar, linguistics, cursive readings);

  4. a disciplinary training in French linguistics (synchronic and diachronic approach);

  5. a disciplinary training in Latin and French literatures (literary history and explanation of texts). The Latin texts studied (prose and poetry) cover the whole of Antiquity. The French texts (poetry, novels, theatre, etc.) cover the entire history of the French language (from Old French to contemporary French) as well as the French literature of Belgium.

The first year of the bachelor's programme begins with a semester including general education courses common to all the bachelor's programmes of the Faculty. This common introduction to the fields of history, art history and literature provides a foundation of basic learning. From the first semester of the first year onwards, discipline-specific courses are also taught. They become the main part of the training in the secondsemester of the first year.

Students then pursue the major while being invited to broaden their intellectual and professional horizons by choosing a 30-credit minor, which can be taken either in another discipline of the faculty or in another faculty of the University, subject to any conditions of access laid down by the management bodies of these programmes.