

The evaluation methods comply with the regulations concerning studies and exams (/fr/decouvrir/rgee.html). More detailed explanation of the modalities specific to each learning unit are available on their description sheets under the heading “Learning outcomes evaluation method”.

Assessment methods conform to academic regulations and procedures. More details on the methods employed in each teaching unit are available in their description sheet, under the heading ‘Assessment methods for student learning’.

Different methods are in place in order to evaluate the knowledge and skills acquired in the course of the learning period; these are adapted to the following types of performance: continuous assessment, especially for practical exercises; assessment of personal work (reading, consultation of databases and bibliographical references, monograph and report writing); overall assessment (written and/or oral) during examination sessions; assessment of public presentations.

In the first year, compulsory tests contributing to the final mark for each subject are held one month after the beginning of classes in the first semester.