
Evolution de carrière

The first session of the certificate CARAQA.be took place during the academic year 2019-2020. We conducted an anonymous satisfaction survey among the people who attended it at the end of the program. More than 90% of the participants expressed a high satisfaction or satisfaction regarding the acquired skills, the academic level, the diversity of the lectures, the teaching methods, etc. 100% of the respondents would recommend the training to someone else. In particular, some respondents raised the following specific points :

PictoTemoignages_25px-01.pngIt is very interactive. You meet people facing similar challenges and can discuss them. Lessons taught by people from the industry highlight advices and tips
that can really help you and that you can implement in your own company."
PictoTemoignages_25px-02.pngThe modules were mainly taught by professionals from the field. This stimulated the interaction and ensured a good balance between theory and relevant examples.”
PictoTemoignages_25px-03.png“The certificate displays a flexible organization, taking into account the constraints of active people attending it.”
PictoTemoignages_25px-01.png“The program is very specific and detailed for the medical device sector and provides a global understanding of the MDR 2017/745.”