
Learning outcomes

At the end of his Bachelor’s in religious studies programme, the student will be able to demonstrate skills in the various branches of theology (exegesis, history, dogmatics, ethics, pastoral theology). In so doing the student will learn to know the founding principles of theological thought. The student will become familiar with the tools enabling him rigorously to tackle Bible texts and Christian tradition, the historical rooting of questions and the contemporary thinkers who are attempting to answer them, by way of an interdisciplinary introduction.

During the three years of the Bachelors, the student will show increasing levels of autonomy. Through better understanding of himself, the student will develop the project which he will follow during the master’s programme and will define what he wants to focus upon (biblical exegesis, fundamental theology, history of Christianity, theology of practices, ethics).

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :

A. Have a good understanding of the knowledge necessary to explain the cultural context of Christianity based upon theological disciplines and in connection with other humanities.

A.1. Read the Bible with the help of scientific methodologies and demonstrate an understanding of its particular status within Christianity
A.2. Understand and explain the main theories in the Christian theological tradition and put them into context
A.3. Understand and explain the liturgical and pastoral position of a Christian community
A.4. Set out the grounds for an ethical discernment
A.5. Understand and interpret historical and legal sources with a connection to the Christian faith
A.6. Have a basic knowledge of the of the major religions and their characteristics
A.7. Have basic knowledge of other humanities in order to integrate them into the framework of a theological discussion

B. Employ appropriate concepts in order to develop a theological discussion

B.1. Be aware of ideas relating to theology and its epistemology
B.2. Understand and explain theologians’ ideas
B.3. Be aware of the basic concepts in philosophy and approach philosophical texts
B.4. Appreciate synergies between the theological disciplines of positive theology, systematic theology and practical theology

C. Correctly use tools to carry out rigorous theological reflection and research

C.1. Be aware of the different analysis and research methodologies used in theology
C.2. Have a good understanding of the foundation documents used in formulating theological research
C.3. Have a basic knowledge of biblical Greek and of Latin
C.4. Know one modern language other than French in order to approach theological texts in their source language

D. Formulate personal thoughts on theology, develop critical thinking and learn independently while keeping personal development in mind

D.1. Begin to reflect upon a theological question, calling upon different theological disciplines and methodologies
D.2. Write a critical opinion of public debates relating to Christianity (media, culture, education, etc.)
D.3. Distinguish between the theological analysis of a question or position and a common sense analysis
D.4. Equip themselves to benefit from lifelong independent learning and personal development

E. Convey their thoughts on theology

E.1. Prepare a report, including a critical assessment, on a theological book
E.2. Write a theological reflection on a question relating to the Christian faith
E.3. Synthesize material from various sources in order to construct a coherent argument
E.4. Structure research results and present them orally
E.5. Use appropriate means of communication (written, oral, audio-visual, new media)