
Learning outcomes

The programme of the 60 credit Master is open to any students who wish to undergo additional training in biomedical sciences without having to do the two years of the full Master.

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :

1 Use integrated and evolving knowledge in biomedical sciences

1.a Use general knowledge and methodologies in experimental biomedical sciences: normal and pathological biochemistry and molecular biology, cell biology, general and special histology, general anatomy, general and special physiology.
1.b Understand and criticize the experimental approaches and observation methods that led to this knowledge.
1.c Master the modern sources of knowledge and be able to effectively search for new and specific information, and criticize it.

Analyze, criticize, and propose perspectives of experiments in biomedical sciences


Analyze the observations in a rigorous and critical way:


- develop analogical and deductive reasoning;

- establish links of correlation and causality;

- track down and correct logic errors.


Interpret and represent experimental results through mathematical modeling, graphical representations, reasoning and statistical tools:


- exploit the dispersion of continuous variables as a source of information.

2.c Exploit the results of biological or clinical analyzes recorded in databases.
2.d Demonstrate creativity, recognizing failures and seeking the cause; recognizing unexpected observations and identifying their interest; by reformulating initial hypotheses, by elaborating new hypotheses.

Communicate both orally and in writing

3.a Enrich his vocabulary in biomedical sciences and use it accurately and nuanced in French and scientific English.

Write, in French and in English, scientific reports based on the standards of scientific publication in the biomedical sciences:


- to argue the relevance of the experimental procedures and the proposed conclusions;

- to compare the data with those of comparable studies published in the scientific literature;

- to identify possible divergences between different studies, to propose the possible causes.

3.c Present oral communication in accordance with scientific standards in the biomedical sciences.

4 Be a professional researcher to start a scientific career

4.a Be a professional researcher to start a scientific career

Practice scientific integrity:


- consider all available data, including those that do not support the advanced hypothesis;

- cite his sources and ban plagiarism.

4.c Develop scientific curiosity and participate in the dissemination of knowledge built on rigorous scientific data