
Programme détaillé

Module 1 : BIG DATA - Prof. Philippe ChevalierModule 2 : RESHORING - Prof. Per Agrell
  • Using artificial intelligence for adaptive planning

  • Gathering information to be flexible and reliable

  • What information can you give to your customers to increase the value of your product

  • How to use forecasting techniques for revenue management

  • What can you expect from machine learning techniques to fish infor-mation in an ocean of data

  • Operating in a hyper-connected world

  • Impact on location of new risks and new technologies

  • New production methods – new location principles

  • How to work in the hyper-decentralised enterprise

  • New business models

  • Offshoring and reshoring, dynamic changes

  • Competing with operational excellence

  • Benchmarking among global plants – how to provide incentiv