
At Bruxelles Woluwe
Customized schedule - In English
Programme acronym: TOXC7FC
Dissertation/Graduation Project : NO
Internship : NO
Activities in English: YES
Activities in other languages : NO
Activities on other sites : NO




| The program is paused indefinitely |

The Faculty of Public Health at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain) and the Belgian Society of Toxicology and Ecotoxicology (BelTox) jointly organise a new Training in “Toxicology".

This year the module 5 in Occupational toxicology will be organized ONLINE in October/November 
Strengths of the programme :
  • an English-language programme in Belgium;

  • preparing students for professional certification via the European Register of Toxicologists (ERT EUROTOX);

  • learning through theory, exercises, and case studies;

  • with the finest instructors, combining academic expertise and strong field experience.


Your profile

The programme is intented for : 

  • Pharmacists
  • Veterinarians
  • Physicians
  • Biologists
  • Chemists
  • Biochemists
  • Biomedical specialists
  • Bioengineers
  • Professionals working in:
    • industry (chemicals, foods, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, consumer products);
    • national and international industry associations;
    • contract research organisations;
    • environmental, health and safety consulting organisations;
    • national and international regulatory bodies;
    • poison centres and health care services.

who wish to supplement their basic education by perfecting additional skills to, in turn, obtain EUROTOX ERT certification.


In partnership with
