
At Bruxelles Woluwe
13 credits
Customized schedule - In English
Programme acronym: TOXI2FC
Dissertation/Graduation Project : YES
Internship : NO
Activities in English: YES
Activities in other languages : NO
Activities on other sites : NO




| The program is paused indefinitely |


The University Certificate can be obtained on the condition that three modules have been completed and that you have successfully passed the interactive assessment test.

The Faculty of Public Health at the Catholic University of Louvain (UCLouvain) and the Belgian Society of Toxicology and Ecotoxicology (BelTox) jointly organise a new Training in “Toxicology".

This continuing education programme consists of one week full-time modules scheduled between January and December.

Two modules were organized in 2019 :

  • Principles of toxicology (module 1)

  • Regulatory toxicology of chemicals (module 3)

One module was organized in 2020 :

  • In vitro toxicology in collaboration with (module 4)

  • will be organized ONLINE in October/November 2021

Strengths of the programme :
  • an English-language programme in Belgium;

  • preparing students for professional certification via the European Register of Toxicologists (ERT EUROTOX);

  • learning through theory, exercises, and case studies;

  • with the finest instructors, combining academic expertise and strong field experience.


Your profile

The programme is intented for :

  • Pharmacists
  • Veterinarians
  • Physicians
  • Biologists
  • Chemists
  • Biochemists
  • Biomedical specialists
  • Bioengineers
  • Professionals working in:
    • industry (chemicals, foods, agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, consumer products);
    • national and international industry associations;
    • contract research organisations;
    • environmental, health and safety consulting organisations;
    • national and international regulatory bodies;
    • poison centres and health care services.

who wish to supplement their basic education by perfecting additional skills to, in turn, obtain EUROTOX ERT certification.


In partnership with
