
Mobility and/or Internationalisation outlook

If they wish, students can include in their program specialized courses from the actuarial sciences programs at ULB and KU Leuven.

Students can carry out their internship in a company abroad (Luxembourg, London or Paris, for example). Given the high degree of specialization of the Master's program, with no equivalent abroad, international mobility within the framework of the Master's degree in actuarial sciences is limited to the internship.

Since its creation in 1939, the Institute of Actuarial Sciences, which has today joined the School of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences (LSBA) within the Faculty of Sciences of UCLouvain, has awarded a significant number of degrees to students from French-speaking Africa and Latin America as well as a significant number of students from the European Union. UCLouvain thus trained the first actuaries from several emerging countries, who now actively contribute to local economic development. In addition, UCLouvain professors regularly participate in training programs abroad.

Finally, let us mention that, in recent years, foreign students (Canadians, in particular) are regularly welcomed into the actuarial sciences program for a semester as part of international exchanges.