
Teaching method

Learning is both theoretical and applied, thanks to the completion of numerous assignments and the integration of the themes in the resolution and analysis of communication issues. Immersing students in this reality is the objective of the "relay activities", which will accompany students throughout their initial training.

In year block 1, these activities will essentially enable students to familiarise themselves with theories and authors, as well as with the major sectors of the communication universe.

In year block 2, the activities will lead students to discover the different worlds of communication, and in particular the media. These will be the subject of meetings, visits and specific analyses. Study trips will be organised in this context. The relay activities will also make students aware of the major issues in the media and provide tools for understanding them. Finally, the activities will support students in mastering applied qualitative research approaches.

In year block 3, students will be encouraged to personalise their expressive practices and to discover from the inside the field of communication to which they will be destined in the Masters. The understanding of current events in communication will be pursued. In addition, the relay activities will also guide the students in applied survey work or quantitative studies in the field of communication.