
Teaching method

Active learning and soft skills

You will play an active role in your training. The teaching approach is a balanced mix of lectures, exercises, projects to be carried out alone or in groups. The teaching methods are varied. At certain times, you will be led to discover concepts or techniques independently, and the teaching staff is then seen as a resource made available to you to support your learning.

At other times, the pedagogy is more transmissive and provides you with the necessary keys to carry out subsequent tasks. An important place is reserved for non-technical skills (autonomy, organisational skills, time management, communication in different modes, etc.). In particular, through a pedagogy that emphasises project activities (including a large-scale project that puts groups of students in a semi-professional situation), the course develops a critical mind capable of designing, modelling, implementing and validating complex computer systems.


The lingua franca of data science is mainly English. The use of English throughout the programme allows you to develop your command of this language, which will facilitate your professional integration. Course materials and supervision are in English. However, you can always ask questions or take the exam in French if you wish. In addition, the programme offers the possibility of attending extra language courses and participating in exchange programmes abroad.


Like many academics, the data scientist will be required to manage projects and a team in the course of his or her career, and will have to take an interest in the complex socio-economic context in which data science is embedded. You will therefore be invited to open up your training to other disciplines via elective courses or certain options such as the option "interdisciplinary program in entrepreneurship".