
Teaching method

By its professional vocation, the teaching is completed by numerous practical class having for objective the implementation of methods of analysis on real data. On the other hand, the student also has the possibility of including in his program, a company internship to develop the methodological aspects of the report there. Certain projects will also require working in multidisciplinary teams, what contributes to the development of a stimulating and friendly spirit of collaboration among the students of the program.

The majority of the courses distributed by the teachers are accompanied by an intranet site on the platform "moodle". These sites propose tools of e-learning and serve as forum to the students.

Certain specialized modules are taught by professors coming from the industry.

Finally, the program includes compulsory courses in English and in French. Thus, the student must be capable of attending class in both languages. The report can be made in English and the student can also individual ask to take his examinations in English. The choice of English aims at favoring international attraction of this training and at perfecting the skills of our own local students. Opportunities will be offered to students who do not know French and wish for a complete cycle in English.