
Compétences et acquis au terme de la formation

A general presentation of the Advanced Masters in European Business and Economic Policy is available on the portal of the Louvain School of Management.

This Advanced Masters aims at giving the student the skills and knowledge needed to become an actor of the European Union economic life so that s/he is able to thoroughly analyze and criticize European economic policies and their impact on economic actors (enterprise, Member States and other public actors, NGOs).

The student will also be able to develop relevant strategies to evolve in the framework of the European Union economy.
The student that follows this Masters already has solid bases and good knowledge of management, economics and law. S/he will learn to use them in challenges regarding European economic policies management and in problems for enterprises working at the European level.

By the end of the Masters, the student will be able to implement analysis strategies to better understand the European single market economy reality and the European economic policies. To be able to intervene relevantly, the student must:

  • Master and mobilize in-depth specialized knowledge of the European integration process in its economic and institutional dimensions
  • Skillfully assess, thanks to the use of relevant analysis tools and with a critical perspective, the functioning of the European single market and its interactions with the world economy
  • Develop a systemic and critical approach towards global European economic policies issues.
  • Critically tackle questions regarding current topics of the European economy and companies.

Au terme de ce programme, le diplômé est capable de :

1. Develop an analytical capacity for European economic policies and their impact on European economic actors, especially companies

1.1. Identify, understand and analyze the economic issues at stake in a given situation in the European Union
1.2. Identify, understand and analyze the economic issues at stake in a given situation linked to the trade policy of the European Union towards its trading partners.
1.3. Take a position in debates and negociations to stand up for the best interest of the companies, institutions and organs that s/he represents

2. Insert one’s analysis and/or action within the various decision levels of the EU

2.1. Identify the various levels – institutional, national (member states), European and multilateral (e.g. WTO, IMF, BRI) - and how they interact in the decision-taking process of a European economic policy or a European economic law.
2.2. Master the economic issues at stake on the European scale.

3. Master specialized knowledge (theories, foundations, phenomena) in the field of European economy and management

3.1. The economic theories clarifying the European economic integration process, including the trade policy; competition policy and how the single market works ; the industrial policy ; research policy ;the policies linked to energy, utilities and transportation and communication infrastructures ; the economic and monetary union ; the regional and the cohesion policy.
3.2. The company theories and its management within the institutional  and multicultural European framework

4. Contribute to the design of:

4.1. Management strategies of companies operating in the EU
4.2. European economic policies, either directly within European institutions (such as the Commission or the ECB) or national institutions (Member states’ governments), or indirectly via companies or NGOs lobbying European or national institutions.

5. Share relevant economic information adapted to the targeted audience

5.1. To communicate, both orally and in writing, about complex situations/topics regarding European economic policies and the strategies of companies operating on the EU level.
5.2. To choose relevant information allowing the analysis and the comparison of these policies and strategies
5.3. To present information correctly, with structure, in a clear, precise and well-argued way (ability to report from reports, statements, notes, summaries…)

6. Complete personal research work (thesis), applying a scientific approach and a rigorous as well as argumentative methodology to investigate a case study about specific aspects on the European economic policies (such as the analysis of a draft directive or of the impact of a decision from a European institution (e.g. the DG for Trade, the ECB or the European competition authorities)) or on the strategy of the firms operating on the EU level (such as a merger, a reorganization of the supply chain or the emerging market entry).

6.1. Define and detail an issue within a delimited study perimeter and within a specific context
6.2. Summarize the literature regarding the issue while critically and actively using relevant information tools, primary and secondary sources.
6.3. Use a methodological and a rigorous analytical approach.
6.4. Use the relevant concepts and analysis tools to study this issue
6.5. Collect original data, analyze it and exploit it consistently.
6.6. Develop an objective analysis and a capacity for synthesis allowing to put in perspective the parameters at stake and to draw relevant conclusions.
6.7. Overall, show a critical ability both regarding one’s own work and regarding the knowledge mobilized.

7. Act as an academic, as a critical and responsible actor having integrated a continuous development logic

7.1. Enter into a socio-professional activity according to a well-founded academic approach (both theoretically and methodologically) characterized by a well-thought and critical approach.
7.2. Develop a self-reflexive approach on one’s own professional practice
7.3. Integrate a logic of self-critical analysis (one’s assets, skills, limitations, productions and actions), a learning logic and a continuous development logic, which are essential to evolve positively in one’s socio-professional environment.