
Programme structure

The Master’s degree programme includes:

  • a core curriculum (35 credits) including a Master thesis and an additional industrial project;
  • a set of courses in the Professional focus (30 credits);
  • one or more major courses;
  • elective courses to round out the programme

A project with an industrial focus (5 credits) is completed at the beginning of the programme while the Master thesis is normally completed at the end of the programme (2nd year). It is recommended that students take courses from the Professional focus (30 credits) at the beginning of their Master’s programme (1st year). However, students may take these courses in the 1st or 2nd year as long as they have completed the course prerequisites. This is particularly the case for students who completed part of their education abroad.

If during the student’s former education, he or she already followed a course being part of the programme (either mandatory or elective) or followed an equivalent activity (pending approval by the programme jury), he or she may replace this activity by elective courses (pending the fullfillment of the programme rules). The student will also verify that he/she has obtained the minimum number of credits required for the approval of the diploma as well as for the approval of their major (in order to include their academic distinctions in the diploma appendix).

These types of programmes will be submitted for approval by the relevant Master’s degree programme jury.

For a programme-type, and regardless of the focus, options/or elective courses selected, this master will carry a minimum of 120 credits divided over two annual units, corresponding to 60 credits each.