

The evaluation methods comply with the regulations concerning studies and exams. More detailed explanation of the modalities specific to each learning unit are available on their description sheets under the heading “Learning outcomes evaluation method”.

First part
At the end of these two years of general clinical training, each candidate will be evaluated during an interview intended to test their general knowledge. In application with A.R. from April 21, 1983, the candidate will receive, at the end of the first two years of training, a certificate proving that he has successfully completed specific university training.

Second part
At the end of these four years of training in clinical genetics, each candidate will be evaluated according to the following criteria attesting to their in-depth knowledge in clinical genetics:
• Certificate of participation and success of the interuniversity course
• Certificate of participation in the annual meeting of the Belgian society for human genetics
• Writing of a documented thesis of 20 to 25 pages. If there is an article published by the first author, it could serve as a memory.
• Presentation of a communication to the Belgian Society of Human Genetics (BeSHG), or a Belgian or foreign society of equivalent level,
When the training requirements described above have been met, the teaching committee will award the academic title of specialization master in human genetics.
This title does not replace recognition by the ministerial accreditation committee. It attests to academic and scientific training as part of the specialized training leading to accreditation.