
Teaching method

This programme offers general training in the various fields of management without seeking to go into any of them in depth. It is therefore an introduction to management.

The main aim is to immerse students in these different fields to give them an overall understanding of the business world and develop their managerial mindset and decision-making capabilities. Therefore, in addition to theory courses to provide a framework for learning, there are case studies and problem-solving sessions. With the same goal in mind, there is frequent use of group work.

The programme attracts students of many nationalities and with very varied educational backgrounds. Through the exchange of very different points of view between students, lecturers, assistants and outside speakers, they gain a broader perspective of management and economics.

For students who have a gap in their economics or maths/statistics education, extra courses will be added to their programme to provide them with the prerequisites they need to gain a good understanding of management.

The theory courses are accompanied by exercise sessions, supervised individual or group assignments, business simulation games, etc. to help students grasp and digest the concepts taught, even those students whose first degree is in a subject with little connection to management. This support for students through numerous exercises is in line with the teaching reform that has taken place at LSM in recent years. It has been well received by the students and was also recently highlighted by the external auditors undertaking the EQUIS accreditation procedure.