
Teaching method

Throughout the programme of the Bachelor in Ancient Languages and Literatures: Oriental Studies, students are confronted with a variety of teaching methods adapted to the different learning objectives:

  • lectures;
  • exercises in small groups;
  • individual and group written work;
  • personal preparation of the translation of oriental texts;
  • grammar (morphology, syntax) and version exercises.

Some courses also use e-learning techniques (provision of resources and exercises, pedagogical management, sharing and collective evaluation of work); others are given using an interactive method on DVD.

The common training includes courses given by teams of teachers and accompanied by practical work and monitoring which ensure the integration of the various cross-curricular learning activities.

The specific training in the fields of Oriental languages and literature offers:

  • a progressive study of the language (morphology, syntax), both theoretical and applied, accompanied by version and even theme exercises
  • a panorama of Eastern civilisations (history, literature and religion), sometimes accompanied by a short summary;
  • an in-depth examination of oriental texts in their original language (translation prepared individually and checked in groups, grammatical explanations, commentary aimed at defining the context and identifying human values);
  • an introduction to the technical and methodological aspects of the discipline (bibliography, auxiliary sciences) leading to the writing of a short paper in the first year of the bachelor's degree (subject of choice) and an end-of-cycle paper in the third year (presentation, translation and commentary of one or more texts studied in the original language(s) on a theme of choice).