
Learning outcomes

In the face of the preponderance of dominant models and patterns of thought in European university curricula, this "Decentring History" minor brings history into dialogue with knowledge produced in other parts of the world and with other disciplines such as anthropology, sociology, literature, philosophy and the study of religions. This approach values other ways of thinking and seeing the world, integrating the points of view of actors who are invisible in the dominant narratives in order to develop new analytical and critical reflexes.

On successful completion of this programme, each student is able to :

1. Acquire and demonstrate an understanding of the different currents allowing for 'decentring' in history and the social sciences and humanities, in order to grasp the specificities and rigour of each discipline, in the perspective of an interdisciplinary approach.

2. Question and discuss the approaches of connected history, history from below, Subaltern studies, Postcolonial studies, Decolonial studies and gender history, taking care to adopt a critical and nuanced posture with regard to the contributions and limitations of each current and their interrelations.

3. Use theoretical tools from various disciplines to analyse a phenomenon/issue/system in the social sciences and humanities in a decentralised way.

4. Mobilise these theoretical tools to deconstruct demagogic and simplifying discourses on the past and the present.

5. Value other ways of thinking and seeing the world, from non-European societies.

6. Develop one's own critical thinking and to be able to question one's own preconceptions as a Western European trained student.