30 crédits
Content:Cours accessibles dès le deuxième bloc annuel du bachelierLBIR1130 Introduction to Earth sciencesFR
q2 30h+15h 4 creditsTeacher(s):
> Marie Scouvart (compensates Eric Lambin)
Marie Scouvart (compensates Eric Lambin)
LGEO1221 Elements of human geographyLGEO1231 Physical geographyLGEO1232 The climate and its changesFR
q2 30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Michel Crucifix (compensates Francesco Ragone)
> Qiuzhen Yin (compensates Kristof Van Oost)
LGEO1242 Cartographic projections and geodesyLGEO1251 Earth's historyCours accessibles dès le troisième bloc annuel du bachelierHuman geographyLGEO1322 Geography of urban spaces and flowsLGEO1323 Economic geographyLECGE1228 Regional EconomicsPhysical geographyLGEO1331 GeomorphologyLGEO1332 BiogeographyLPHY1365 MeteorologyEN
q1 45h+22.5h 6 credits > French-friendlyTeacher(s):
> Alice Alonso (coord.)
> Charles Bielders (coord.)
> Hugues Goosse
TechnicsLGEO1341 Statistical analysis in geographyLGEO1343 Earth observation by satelliteFR
q1 30h+30h 5 creditsTeacher(s):
> Raphaël Rousseau (compensates Eric Lambin)
Raphaël Rousseau (compensates Eric Lambin)