Main themes
Introduction to the theological, ideological and theoretical stances which inform works from Antiquity and the Middle Ages
- The beginnings of architecture
- Pharaonic Egypt: petrified eternity
- Hellenic Antiquity: divine perfection of proportion
- The Roman world: a universal and imperial construction
- Paleochristian conversion: the renewal of meaning
- Byzantine synthesis: Hellenism, Roman culture, Orientalism, Christianity
- Isla : abstract expression of the divine
- Romanesque experiments: Christianity made manifest
- Gothic exaltation: structured use of light
Learning outcomes
At the end of this learning unit, the student is able to : | |
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The History of Architecture teaching unit is designed to provide a set of references. It will however avoid considering history as merely a reservoir of examples, but attempt to analyse 'historically', i.e. to put these examples in their context to gain better understanding of their complex meaning. Â The main objective of the unit is to ask questions and attempt to understand architecture, as a complex phenomenon, of an intellectual, physical and social kind, and its meaning. This will be done by taking a strictly historical approach. Specific learning outcomes: By the end of this course, students are able to
Build knowledge of architecture
Use the technical dimension
- Von MEISS (P.), De la forme au lieu. Une introduction à l'étude de l'architecture, Lausanne, 1993.
- TARICAT (J.), Histoires d'architecture, [Parenthèses], 2004 .
- NORBERG-SCHULZ (Ch.), La signification dans l'architecture occidentale, Bruxelles-Liège, 1977.
- CHEYNUT (J.) et LEFEVRE (P), Parcours d'architectes, Paris, [Le Cavalier Bleu], 2012.
- DONNADIEU (B.), L'apprentissage du regard. Leçons d'architecture de Dominique Spinetta, Paris, 2002.
Teaching materials
- moodle
Faculty or entity
Programmes / formations proposant cette unité d'enseignement (UE)
Title of the programme
Learning outcomes
Bachelor in Architecture (Tournai)