
Detailed programme by subject

Mandatory Core study
Mandatory General and training (79 credits)
Mandatory Mathematics (32 credits)
FR q1  30h+15h  4 credits      
Patrick Bogaert

FR q1  30h+30h  5 credits      
Donatien Hainaut
, Laurent Jacques

Mandatory LINFO1111  Analysis
FR q1  45h+37.5h  7 credits      
Pierre-Antoine Absil
, Guillaume Berger
, François Glineur

Mandatory LINFO1112  Algebra
FR q2  30h+30h  5 credits      
Christophe Craeye
, Enrico Vitale

Mandatory LINFO1113  Numerical algorithmic  
FR q2  30h+30h  6 credits      
Estelle Massart
, Loïc Quertenmont

Mandatory LINFO1114  Discrete Mathematics  
FR q1  30h+15h  5 credits      
Marco Saerens

Mandatory Scientific and technical Courses (10 credits)
FR q2  30h+15h  5 credits      
Jérôme Louveaux

FR q2  30h+30h  5 credits      
Olivier Bonaventure

Mandatory Human Sciences, Economy, and Managment Courses (28 credits)
Mandatory LEPL1805  People management
FR q1  22.5h+15h  3 credits      
Bauduin Auquier
, Philippe Henrotaux
, Renaud Ronsse

Mandatory LECGE1222  Microeconomics  
FR q1 or q2  45h+15h  5 credits      
Arastou Khatibi
, Arastou Khatibi (compensates Johannes Johnen)
, François Maniquet

Mandatory LCOPS1115  Economic Policy
FR q1  45h+15h  5 credits      
Tanguy Isaac
, Arastou Khatibi

FR q1 or q2  40h  5 credits      
Jean De Munck
, Hugues Draelants

Mandatory LESPO1122  Foundations of Law
FR q1 or q2  40h  5 credits      
Pierre Bazier
, Nicolas Bonbled
, Arnaud Hoc
, Thibaut Slingeneyer de Goeswin

Mandatory LCOPS1124  Philosophy
FR q2  30h  5 credits      
Sylvain Camilleri
, Nathalie Frogneux
, Yoann Malinge

Mandatory Cours de langues
Mandatory English Courses (7 credits)
Mandatory LANGL1181  English for Computer Scientists I
A placement test is organized at the beginning of the annual unit 1 and 2. Depending on the obtained mark, the students follow an adapted course. The students with a mark gretaer or equal to 16/20 keep their mark and could take an additional language course (out of the 180 credits); this additional course will only affect their average mark if credited (mark greater or equal to 10/20)
EN q1  12h  2 credits      
Jean-Luc Delghust (coord.)
, Lucille Meyers (coord.)

Mandatory LANGL1282  Anglais pour informaticiens II  
A placement test is organized at the beginning of the annual unit 1 and 2. Depending on the obtained mark, the students follow an adapted course. The students with a mark gretaer or equal to 16/20 keep their mark and could take an additional language course (out of the 180 credits); this additional course will only affect their average mark if credited (mark greater or equal to 10/20)
EN q1  30h  3 credits      
Charline Coduti
, Lucille Meyers
, Charlotte Peters (coord.)
, Marc Piwnik (coord.)

EN q1  30h  2 credits      
Ahmed Adrioueche (coord.)
, Ariane Halleux
, Charlotte Peters (coord.)

Optional Dutch courses
NL q1 or q2  30h  2 credits      
Hilde Bufkens (coord.)

NL q1 or q2  30h  3 credits      
Hilde Bufkens (coord.)
, Valérie Dachy (coord.)

Optional German courses
DE q1 or q2  45h  2 credits      
Fanny Desterbecq (compensates Ann Rinder)

DE q2  45h  2 credits      
Caroline Klein (coord.)

DE q1+q2  90h  3 credits      
Virginie Godin (coord.)

Optional Spanish Courses
ES q1 or q2  45h  2 credits      
Lara Marina Nuñez Muslera
, Fernando Juan San Basilio Pardo (compensates Begona Garcia Migura)
, Alicia Maria Tirado Fernandez (coord.)

ES q1 or q2  45h  2 credits      
Alicia Maria Tirado Fernandez (coord.)

ES q1 or q2  45h  3 credits      
Begona Garcia Migura (coord.)
, Alicia Maria Tirado Fernandez (coord.)

ES q2  45h  3 credits      
Alicia Maria Tirado Fernandez (coord.)

Mandatory Religion courses for students in exact sciences (2 credits)
The students select one course between:
FR q1  15h  2 credits      
Hans Ausloos

FR q1  15h  2 credits      
Marcela Lobo Bustamante

FR q1  15h  2 credits      
Benoît Bourgine
, Paulo Jorge Dos Santos Rodrigues

FR q1  15h  2 credits      
Régis Burnet

Mandatory Computer science training (71 credits)
En bloc annuel 3, l'étudiant peut choisir soit LEPL1509 soit LSST1001 dans son programme de 180 crédits en bachelier. Le cours LSST1001 reste ouvert sur candidature et après sélection uniquement.
EN q2  30h+30h  5 credits       > French-friendly  
Peter Van Roy

FR q1  30h+30h  5 credits      
Kim Mens
, Siegfried Nijssen
, Charles Pecheur

FR q2  30h+30h  5 credits      
Guillaume Derval (compensates Pierre Dupont)

FR q2  30h+30h  5 credits      
Peter Van Roy

FR q1  30h+30h  5 credits      
Pierre Schaus

Mandatory LINFO1252  Informatic Systems  
FR q1  30h+30h  5 credits      
Etienne Riviere

FR q2  30h+30h  5 credits      
Yves Deville

Mandatory LINFO1341  Computer networks  
FR q2  30h+30h  5 credits      
Olivier Bonaventure

Mandatory LEPL1402  Informatics 2  
FR q1  30h+30h  5 credits      
Sébastien Jodogne
, Ramin Sadre
, Pierre Schaus

FR q2  30h+22.5h  5 credits      
Marc Lainez (compensates Yves Deville)

Mandatory LEPL1503  Project 3
FR q2  30h+30h  5 credits      
Olivier Bonaventure (coord.)
, Axel Legay

Mandatory LINFO1001  IT projects 1
FR q1  30h+30h  6 credits      
Cristel Pelsser

Mandatory LINFO1002  IT projects 2
FR q2  30h+30h  5 credits      
Tom Barbette

FR q1+q2  15h+45h  5 credits      
Stéphanie Merle
, Jean-Pierre Raskin (coord.)

FR q2  30h+30h  5 credits      
Eric Piette (compensates Yves Deville)

Mandatory Minor or additional module (30 credits)     (> See the list of available minors and/or additional modules)
The student completes his formation with the additional module in computer sciences or a minor.
Maximum 1 element(s)