
Calendar for UCLOUVAIN

Doctoral Course - Theories of Organizations in Management

LLSMA2006 - Theories of Organizations in Management – 5 ECTS Prof. Régis Coeurderoy     Description See the full course description here Why do firms exist? And why markets and other arrangements among individual or collective actors exist? How can we...
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Public Thesis defense

Metric-based mesh adaptation with curvilinear triangles...

Les maillages courbes, ou d’ordre élevé, sont utilisés depuis longtemps comme support pour simulations par éléments ou volumes finis. Leur flexibilité a traditionnellement été mise à profit pour fournir une meilleure résolution des frontières CAD que celle offerte par des discrétisations...
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UCLouvain Economics Seminar - Andreas Hefti, Zurich...

Andreas Hefti (Zurich University) will give a presentation on  TBA Abstract: 
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Public defense of doctoral thesis, Gilles Baudoin

Thermal energy storage within a building can contribute to improving the building’s energy performance. Thermal energy can be directly stored in the building envelope. This phenomenon is commonly known as thermal mass and thermal inertia. Recently, researchers have shown an increased interest in...
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Applied Statistics Workshop

Upcoming news
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