
Calendar for UCLOUVAIN

Statistics Seminar

To be confirmed
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Event J.M. Rolin

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Research seminar: Industry Collaborations for Disruptive...

University-industry collaborations are widely acknowledged as a way for universities achieve their impact and sustainability goals. In achieving these goals universities can support a sustainable energy transition and related disruptions. However, divergent views on how universities can and...
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Transdisciplinary Research Seminar - 21/03/2025 -...

Experience of transdisciplinary research in the health sector with Prof. Isabelle Aujoulat (UClouvain/IRSS), Prof. Sandy Tubeuf (UCLouvain/IRSS) et Charlotte Bréda (UCLouvain/IRSS) Location and time to be defined The aim of the Transdisciplinary Research Seminar is to develop a better...
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Applied Statistics Workshop

To be confirmed
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