
Calendar for UCLOUVAIN

Seminar | Cefises

he practice of a ‘psychology of peoples’. A corpus-based...

Cefises seminar wit Stefan Reiners-Selbach (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf)
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Public defense of doctoral thesis, Gilles Baudoin

Thermal energy storage within a building can contribute to improving the building’s energy performance. Thermal energy can be directly stored in the building envelope. This phenomenon is commonly known as thermal mass and thermal inertia. Recently, researchers have shown an increased interest in...
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Mardi intime | Chaire Hoover

Freedom and security

Chaire Hoover | Mardi intime by Josette Daemen
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IRES Lunch Seminar - Sébastien Fontenay, Universitat...

  Sébastien Fontenay (Universitat Pompeu Fabra) will give a presentation on  TBA Abstract: 
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CORE Brown Bag Seminar - Mathieu Van Vyve

  Mathieu Van Vyve (LIDAM. CORE) Identifying when thresholds from the Paris Agreement are breached: the minmax average, a novel smoothing approach Identifying when a given threshold has been breached in the global temperature record has become of crucial importance since...
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