


This website is dedicated to Research Data Management information* (RDM).

For many years, Open Access is at universities agenda. OA aims, among other, to make research results more visible, and more accessible. Research projects, however, not only produce scientific papers, they also create unique datasets, which are hardly accessible or visible.

Moreover, research data rise questions at every step of a research, and need to be handle and preserve carefully. To take these challenges into account, Research Data Management (RDM) has recently increase as a topic of major importance in research environment. 

RDM has many advantages, that are presented here: RDM advantages. Moreover, Research Data Management planning is getting more and more required by funders. RDM best practices (such as data sharing, or garantee about data quality, and compliance with ethical aspects) also get more and more required by scientific journals.

In order to assist reasearchers throughout their everyday work, UCLouvain has developped this website that contains a large body of best practicies, advices and resources regarding data management at every step of a research project.

You can also look at our training catalogue:

You can also contact or RDM team via the 'contact' button to ask us about specific questions.

* This website is thus not a data repository, even though you can find information and guidance on that topic in the "Publish & Share" menu.