
Horizon 600: 2021-2025 Strategic Plan


Horizon 600” – the university’s 600th anniversary – embodies the strategic plan for the UCLouvain community between now and that auspicious occasion in 2025. Supported by the Rectoral Council, it defines the direction and develops the action plan that will determine the institution’s future.

Five priority action plans


In 2025, UCLouvain will confirm its position as an open, innovative university and intensify its activity as a collaborative and socially committed university. By mobilising its entire community, it will successfully achieve the objectives defined in five plans that focus on student support, human resources, internationalisation, the economic, ecological and social transition, and open education and open science.


The Horizon 600 Strategic Plan is the common thread of UCLouvain’s strategic vision. This comprehensive plan provides coherence to the projects carried out by all of the university’s legal entities and enables them to move towards a common goal: to shape an open, innovative, collaborative and socially committed university in accordance with the essential missions of education, research and serving society.

The Horizon 600 Strategic Plan affects UCLouvain’s entire academic community, including its 33,500 students and some 6,000 staff members. It mobilises and stimulates numerous local, regional, national, European and international partnerships.


In 2025, UCLouvain will commemorate its 600 years of existence with numerous events, including a Musée L exhibition, a cultural season, the publication of dedicated books and the awarding of honorary doctorates in conjunction with KU Leuven.

Horizon 600 projects

Charter for Responsible International Mobility

Photo : NAC CC3.0 Developing international networks and interacting with peers is part of the DNA of the research profession. The current challenge is to diversify means of travel by...