Cognitive Linguistic Applications to Second Language Teaching: From Theory to Practice.
Louvain-la-Neuve, August 21-24, 2019.
Aims of the workshop
Cognitive linguistic approaches such as cognitive grammar and construction grammarare best suited toelucidategrammar principles thatoften remain hidden to languagelearners, since they useimagery andembodied experiences to makegrammar's meaningfulness moretransparent to learners. Although their potential is widely accepted, empirical research so far still needs to provide a clear understanding of how these approaches can best be translated intoeffectiveteaching practices, especially forlanguages others than English. In thefieldof applied linguistics, assessingthe effectiveness of such approaches incontrolled classroom settingsremains an exciting, butchallenging endeavor.Therefore, the present workshop addresses some of the questions regarding thetesting ofcognitive linguistic approaches in the form ofinterventionalstudies in classroom settings, such as the following:
- How should the treatment be designed in order to align with the most recent advances in language pedagogy?
- Which study designs are best suited to assess the impact of the treatment?
- How can measurements be constructed and validated?
- Which statistical methods are best suited for the analysis of variables?
The workshopaims to provide interested researchers in the field of applied linguistics (PhD students, PostDocs and others)with a strong methodological background on how to test the effectiveness ofcognitive linguistic approaches to language teaching by means ofclassroom-based studies. To this end, the program of theworkshop includes bothtalks reporting the most recent advances in the fieldand hands-on sessions, requiring the participants to further their own research. Participants willhave the opportunity to receive specialized feedback, become familiar with practice examples and actively engage in discussion. The workshopwill be held in English, but pedagogicalapplications forother foreignlanguages such as Spanish, German and French will be showcased. Researchers working on anyforeign languageare stronglyencouraged to participate.
Keynote Speakers (see also program here)
Robert Blake (University of California Davis)
Thomas François (Сư洫ý)
Jörg Roche (University of Munich)
Organizing committee
Carlee Arnett, University of California Davis
Mathieu Lecouvet, Сư洫ý
Ferran Suñer, Сư洫ý (Contact: Ferran Suñer Munoz)
Testimonials & photos Workshop 2019
There are several phases which are essential when carrying out a research in any discipline: reflecting on a specific topic, the aims and relevance of any scientific investigation are crucial. Additionally, planning how the investigation of a particular topic is going to be conducted is fundamental to succeed. The workshop “Cognitive linguistic applications to second language teaching” was a valuable opportunity to reflect on all the aspects which have to be considered when carrying out (and reporting) an intervention study with students of foreign languages. All participants were actively fostered to reflect on strategies, challenges and shortcomings of their own current research. Monographic sessions presented by leading experts on the field of Second Language Teaching and Learning were intertwined with very enriching group discussion aiming at sharing expertise as well as fuelling and fine-tuning each individuals’ projects. The conjunction of different areas of expertise as well as a multilingual context of research made this academic encounter both highly stimulating and appealing.
Ares Llop Naya |
Excellent workshop on research methodology in second language learning from a cognitive linguistic perspective, with inspiring talks from experienced top-class scholars and stimulating discussions with fellow young professionals in the charming town of Lovain-la-Neuve. The programme of the workshop was well organised following a clear structure from developing a research concept, to choosing the right methodological approach, to applying quantitative data analysis. But there was also enough freedom for socialising and networking. Participating in the workshop helped me to gain a new perspective on language learning as well as new ideas for developing my research projects. Daniel Pust |
I attended the 2019 Workshop on "Cognitive linguistic applications to second language teaching" at UCLouvain and boy did it prove useful to my research. I was struggling with the empirical part of my dissertation and received invaluable advice from instructors as well as participants. The atmosphere was very benevolent and conducive to productive interactions. Highly recommended! Eloy Romero-Muñoz |
This very well-organised workshop was packed with highly useful and up-to-date information. The mix of presentations by very knowledgeable practitioners and productive hands-on group sessions was not only extremely educational, but it also made the time fly by. We were a very international and diverse group, also coming from different backgrounds, which made discussions very interesting and lively. Being a cognitive linguistics enthusiast, I was especially happy to learn all about the other participants’ research projects and to share ideas and solutions. In summary: I loved everything about this workshop so thank you very much to everyone who made it possible. Theresa Pohle |