This group of researchers is interested in the combinations and dialogues between various media (literature, comics, images, paintings, photographic archives) and the attempt to describe their adaptations, transmissions, reinterpretations beyond mere questions of fidelity. Comics, a medium located at the crossroads of painting, text, photography, and image, is in a state of constant hybridization and evolution, and gives rise to polyphony and polysemy. Our analysis of comics focuses on the ways in which this medium reshapes itself. While the projects included here seek to identify and connect modes of transmission, they also fundamentally question these intermedialities. The comic book/graphic novel is considered in its links with a decolonial praxis, its capacities of demonstration and interpretation of the implicit, its dialogues, its uses and reinterpretations of canonical novels and colonial photographic archives.
In addition to the study of comics, this group of scholars considers intermediality as a theoretical framework to study the exchanges at work between the literary medium and other media. It is interesting not only to observe where the text interacts with other artistic registers (music, photography, performance, etc.), but also to note the special relationship that can develop between literature and conventionally "non-artistic" and non-fictional productions such as journalism, television documentaries, and video games, etc. This research program accordingly allows us to examine the social impact of intermedial literary publications, as well as the diversity of their political engagements.
Members: Véronique Bragard, Alicia Lambert, Camille Dasseleer
Recent publications :
Bragard, Véronique "Dévoiler les ténèbres de Conrad : à propos de l’œuvre spectrale de Michael Matthys" COLLATERAL – Online Journal for Cross-Cultural Close Reading 26, (Dec. 2020).
Bragard, Véronique ; Thewissen, Catherine. "Expressionism, deformity, and abject texture in bande dessinée appropriations of Frankenstein". In Adapting Frankenstein: The monster's eternal lives in popular culture, Edited by Dennis R. Cutchins and Dennis R. Perry, 2018.
Bragard, Véronique. "Entre ambivalence et éthique : Les ténèbres conradiennes en bande dessinée". In Outre-mers: revue d'histoire, Vol. 104, no.392-393, p. 143-159 (2016).
Bragard, Véronique. "Belgo-Congolese Transnational Comics Esthetics: Transcolonial Labor from Mongo Sisse'sBingo en Belgique to Cassiau-Haurie and Baruti's Madame Livingstone: Congo, la Grande Guerre (2014)". In: Literature Compass, Vol. 13, no.5, p. 332-340 (2016).
Dasseleer, Camille. "La hibridez como heteronomÃa de la poesÃa contemporánea. El caso de la obra de Cecilia Vicuña." Actio Nova: Revista de TeorÃa de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada, n. 4, 2020, (sous presses).
Theses in progress :
Alicia Lambert (Boursière FSR-UCLouvain),ÌýDécoloniser les stéréotypes : possibilités et limites de la bande dessinée contemporaine.
Camille Dasseleer (Assistante), Intermédialités politiques – Poésie multimédia et engagement social chez trois poétesses de langue espagnole
Defended theses:
Benoit Crucifix, Drawing from the Archives: Comics Memory in the Graphic Novel, post 2000. (ULiège, UCLouvain, 2020)
Illustration : Michael Matthys, exposition avril 2018 à la galerie Cerami. Fragment de roman graphique inspiré d’archives coloniales et familiales et du texte de Conrad Au Coeur des ténèbres