

CHAIRE HOOVER Louvain-La-Neuve



Midis de l'éthique, since 1991

Les midis de l'éthique visent à favoriser la réflexion sur des thèmes d'actualité.   Les midis de l'éthique se déroulent le mardi de 12h45 à 13h55 précises. Aucune inscription préalable...

Mardis intimes (Michs), since 1998

. Pour y avoir accès, il suffit d’en faire la demande à Dina Geron <chaire-hoover@uclouvain.be>.      

Vivès Seminar, since 2014

  The Vivès Seminar in Law, Economics and Political Philosophy is a reading seminar taking place every two weeks at the Hoover Chair. Phd students, Post-Docs and visitors at the Chair...

Disputationes (with Leuven & Leiden, since 2012)

  The Disputationes Quadrangulae is an initiative of the Hoover Chair (Louvain), RIPPLE (Leuven) and Glasgow Legal Theory (Glasgow) and the Leiden Center for Political Philosophy (Leiden)....

Northern Lights (with Aarhus, since 2012)

Save the dates: Louvain Aarhus Northern Lights Workshop 19/03/2021  Former 3836 Louvain-Aarhus Project (2012-15) The project "Theory of Democracy, Theory of Justice and Public...

Post-Darwinian Societies Seminar

Organized by Charles Pence (CEFISES ISP) and Gregory Ponthiere (ETES ISP) The goal of the Post-Darwinian Societies Seminar is to bring together researchers from various disciplines – including,...

Circle U

Normative Political Theory Cluster on Climate Change The Normative Political Theory Cluster on Climate Change (NPTCCC) is a partnership between the Hoover Chair at UCLouvain and three other...